Pact of the Tome None Gain a Book of Shadows with extra cantrips and ritual spells inside from any class spell list Repelling Blast Level two Warlock, damage-dealing Warlock cantrip that makes an attack roll You can push Large or smaller creatures 10ft straight away from you Thirsting Blade...
tier31_2pc > 0 and 4 or 0 ) end, type = "Magic", max_stack = 1, copy = 325640 }, -- -- soul_shards = { id = 246985, duration = 3600, max_stack = 1 }, -- Talent: Consumes a Soul Shard, unlocking the hidden power of y...
Note that a sorcerer sacrificing one tier 7 spell(sequencer) and 3 tier 3 spells(skull trap) can unleash 60d6 damage in a instant. People even say taht 5e warlock is worthless compared to 3.5e. Siebenfinger Posts: 9 April 2020 No, you always need boundaries in a game. Imagine if ...
tier31_2pc > 0 and 4 or 0 ) end, type = "Magic", max_stack = 1, copy = 325640 }, -- -- soul_shards = { id = 246985, duration = 3600, max_stack = 1 }, -- Talent: Consumes a Soul Shard, unlocking the hidden power of yo...
tier31_2pc > 0 and 4 or 0 ) end, type = "Magic", max_stack = 1, copy = 325640 }, -- -- soul_shards = { id = 246985, duration = 3600, max_stack = 1 }, -- Talent: Consumes a Soul Shard, unlocking the hidden power...
tier31_2pc > 0 and 4 or 0 ) end, type = "Magic", max_stack = 1, copy = 325640 }, -- -- soul_shards = { id = 246985, duration = 3600, max_stack = 1 }, -- Talent: Consumes a Soul Shard, unlocking the hidden power of ...