DropTableAlias这个类型对应StarChartData里的tier return { ["Brutus"] = { ["Node"] = "Brutus", ["Planet"] = "Uranus", ["Type"] = "Ascension", ["Tileset"] = "Grineer Sealab", ["Enemy"] = "Corpus", ["MinLevel"] = 0, ["MaxLevel"] = 0, ["IsDarkSector"] = 0, ["Tier"...
Just played sortie and protea turrets spent half the time targetting invincible enemy turrets. i know they made some changes to xaku and some other abilities but some are still focused on invincible targets 创建帐户或登录来提出意见 你需要成为会员才能提出意见 创建帐户 注册成为会员。只要几个简单...
Fixed inability to play the Kuva Fortress Pago Spy node. Fixed being loaded into a completely different mission when attempting to play a dynamic mission types (Kuva Siphons, Syndicate etc) when using Public matchmaking. This only occurred if there were more than one of that mission-type on t...
Spy Waypoint prob -BH-Zel回复到Tr0yMC的 主题 在General Warframe: 1999 Bugs This is getting me so frustrated. I farm spies for mods I sell and I haven't been able to do them on few weeks now. The waypoints are ridiculous. Kuva Fortress Pago is the worst. ...
Kuva missions award Kuva, a resource used in the randomization of a Riven mod's attributes, and might award a random Requiem Relic, used mainly for the acquisition of the Requiem Mods. Kuva missions only appear on planets near the Kuva fortress, their nodes indicated by the resource icon of...
Mercury • Venus (Proxima) • Earth (Proxima) • Lua • Mars • Deimos • Phobos • Ceres • Jupiter • Europa • Saturn (Proxima) • Uranus • Neptune (Proxima) • Pluto (Proxima) • Sedna • Kuva Fortress • Eris • Void (Veil Proxima) • Zariman Categor...
With the exception of the Kuva Fortress, each navigable planet, moon, or location (including the Void and Deimos) in the Origin System will have from two to three unlockable fragments, each requiring between 3 and 7 scans to complete. ...
Kuva Fortress will have a node, and will offer another way to earn Kuva Lua will have a node, with unique rewards Ghouls have been repurposed for certain nodes, in lieu of Amalgams Gauss’ acquisition will be tied to the Disruption expansion to some degree. Here...
(Lua) •The War Within(Kuva Fortress) •Chains of Harrow(Iron Wake) •The New War(Drifter's Camp) •Angels of the Zariman(Zariman Ten Zero,Chrysalith,Dormizone) •Whispers in the Walls(Sanctum Anatomica,Albrecht's Laboratories) •The Hex(Höllvania Central Mall,Höllvania,...
Players must Void Sling through the Kuva Guardian to disarm them. Finally, once the Kuva Guardian starts to use their Twin Rogga pistols, players can now deal damage to them using Void Beam or Warframe. If you do go into the fight with weaker equipment, the fight is balanced to scal...