“同系武器中每个武器享有独立的倾向”的改动将会在今年12月实装,数值不会有大幅度的变化。对于近战武器的紫卡平衡,DE说在明年初,将会随新的p包上架而实装。附上原文链接(纯英文注意):forums.warframe.com/topic/1140336-kuva-weapon-rivens-disposition-process-changes/ 送TA礼物 1楼2019-11-11 18:35回复 ...
Kuva Chakkhurr is a Kuva weapon variant of the Grineer flintlock-style rifle Chakkhurr. It has a limited rate of fire and ammunition, but its shots deal an incredible amount of Impact damage. If the player scores a headshot, they will receive a massive 50% damage bonus. It's highly reg...
Cedo – This shotgun is one of the most popular weapons in the game due to its Condition Overload passive. Enemies affected by status ailments receive more damage from this weapon. Aside from having insane scaling, it deals massive damage and has an extensive AoE range. Kuva Zarr – This ...
When you are out of bullets and blades can’t just do the job, you need to have a trusty secondary weapon to fall on. In Warframe, you should have the most reliable items in your arsenal, including your sidearm. Knowing which secondaries you should have can save you in some crucial an...
Second highest critical multiplier of all weapons in the game, behind Kuva Nukor. Pinpoint accuracy. Magnum Force's accuracy penalty is minimal on this weapon. Consumes 0.5 ammo per tick of damage. Normal Attack (wiki attack index 1) High magazine (50) Above average ammo max (210) High...
introduced with Update 26, The Old Blood. It is an enemy that hunts you down and invades the system. Knowing how to spawn a Kuva Lich, and what to do when you encounter them can earn you a powerful weapon, or a strong ally. This guide will break down how the Kuva Lich works in ...
The aim of the mission is the same: To survive as long as possible, but while you do that, you can farm a vital resource, Kuva. You need Kuva to re-roll your Riven mods and chase the best possible stats for your weapon builds. ...
Infiltrating the fortress, the Tenno discovers the Queen's lair, along with Teshin, under control of Queens' Kuva Scepter due to his status as an Orokin Dax soldier. The Dax were biologically programmed to not disobey those with Orokin blood, Kuva. So, unrelentingly, Teshin has brought the ...
CedoPrimary Weapon Gram PrimeMelee Weapon Guandao PrimeMelee Weapon Ignis WraithPrimary Weapon Kronen PrimeMelee Weapon Kuva BrakkSecondary Weapom Kuva BrammaPrimary Weapon Kuva NukorSecondary Weapon LesionMelee Weapon Nami Skyla PrimeMelee Weapon
Vericres is decent weapon, not OP, but strong enough to be brought into high lvl SP. He likely oneshoted demo thanks to few thing: Strong mods, Warframe/Arcane Buffs, Armor Strip and strong Primer. Also Warfans have multiple forced slashes, plus Veri is slash weighted (so likely there ...