Gain 50 Bonus Health when not using Melee Weapons.", Playstyle = "Damage", Polarities = { "Bar", "Bar" }, Portrait = "MesaIcon272.png", Progenitor = "Magnetic", SellPrice = 10000, Sex = "Female", Shield = 180, Sprint = 1.1, SquadPortrait = "MesaLargePortrait.png", Subsumed =...
Melee is a form of combat system that utilizes edged or blunt weapons and close quarter attacks. Every attack causes the player to take a single step forward. However, if the player is crouched, non-combo melee attacks will not cause a step forward. Mele
Weapons are used by Warframes, Archwings, Sentinels, and enemies to cause damage. Weapons can be leveled up for more mod capacity to apply more mods and increase capability. There are three main weapon types used by Warframes: Primary, Secondary, and Mel
模块:Weapons/data/melee< 模块:Weapons / data | 小麦粉 于2个月前修改了此页面。 指挥官,您最好离开这儿!此处数据来源于英文维基,并通过数据更新脚本维护,请勿手动修改。 return { ["Ack & Brunt"] = { Attacks = { { AttackName = "Normal Attack", CritChance = 0.2, CritMultiplier = 2, D...
i was really hoping stances could be universal and make melee weapons more fun. it would also have incentivized DE to buff the ones that were clearly underperforming. Why not also alter some of the Conclave stances and add them as ones to use in the main game as well? Theres so much ...
Most melee weapons are held in the Warframe’s hand, but there are a few categories that are directly attached to your Warframe: Claws, Sparring, and Fist weapons. These weapons cover the back of the hand (and top of the feet, for Sparring weapons) and cannot obstruct the movement of ...
Fastestattack speedof all swords. Normal Attack(wiki attack index 1) Above average attack speed (1.08x animation speed) Above average attack range (2.70 m) High status chance (31.00%) Disadvantages over other Melee weapons (excluding modular weapons): ...
on the other hand, Heavy Blades, Tonfas and Sparring got some really amazing trails across the board, Ah, can I have ALL of my melee weapons look that COOL and BAD ASS please? So please dear developers. do something to make it look better, even if I need to pay a price for it....
Fixed Oscira Sugatra offset on numerous Melee weapons. • 修正了奥斯拉投掷刀刃外观在退出幻影装置军械库时的碰撞判定问题。 Fixed collision issues with the Oscira Thrown Blade Skin when exiting the Simulacrum Arsenal. • 修正了 Gauss G之风格头盔的火焰总是为橙色,而不是像其余赤限技能那样对所选...
Melee Weapons Archwing Weapons Robotic Weapons Weapon Comparison Modding Regular Mods Aura Mods Stance Mods Nightmare Mods Corrupted Mods Augment Mods Conclave Mods Flawed Mods Arcane Enhancement Lore Characters Codex Factions Grineer Corpus Infested Orokin Syndicates Sentient...