Section for all Melee Weapons. Trending pages A Ack & Brunt Conclave:Ack & Brunt Amanata Amphis Conclave:Amphis Anku Conclave:Anku Ankyros Conclave:Ankyros Ankyros Prime Conclave:Ankyros Prime Arca Titron Conclave:Arca Titron Arcata Argo & Vel ...
Stance Mods are special mods exclusive to Melee weapons that provide bonuses and additional attack capabilities. Similar to Aura mods, Stances can be slotted into a special Stance slot on melee weapons, and they increase a weapon's mod capacity. Stance m
同系列武器 玻之武杖MK1-玻之武杖 内部名称 /Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Staff/PrimeBo/PrimeBoWeapon 资料库 一把经典 Orokin 兵器,使用它以优雅的战姿横扫战场 玻之武杖Prime是 玻之武杖的Prime版本。全方位提升了属性。 在2016年5月10号,它被宣布与相关的战甲和守护进入宝库,同时在2016年5月17号从掉...
Deep Freeze increases Cold damage on a secondary weapon by 15% per rank for a maximum of 90% at rank 5. Sourced from the official drop table repository. See Module:DropTables/data to edit on the wiki. Update 16.0 (2015-03-19) Cold Damage Mods drain incr
(Weapon) == "string") then Weapon = p.getWeapon(Weapon) end if (Weapon == nil) then return nil end if (Weapon.Type ~= nil and (Weapon.Type == "Melee" or Weapon.Type == "Arch-Melee")) then return "yes" end return nil end function p.hasCharged(frame) if (frame == nil) ...
So i wanted to get a feel on what melee weapon people use and why I have seen some crazy rhino players steam roll using fists or some of the loki/ash players slice and dice like they were paper and I want to see what other styles people use in melee ...
Overhauled which stats are prioritized on which weapon types. Mods with universal benefits (like increased damage and multishot) are equipped first, while attempting to equip mods that benefit the weapon type (like critical and status increases) if the base stats are high enough. Made Auto In...
Fixed an issue with players being unable to properly perform melee attacks in the Rank 3 Mastery test.Hotfix 12.0.4 (2014-02-07) Fixed all Sentinel Mastery achievements requiring rank 30 to unlock.Update 11.6 (2014-01-08) Fixed issue with Rank 3 Weapon Mastery Challenge/Achievement not being...
3. Warframe Mission Types Finite Missions Finite missions have a clearly defined objective that must be met, followed by extraction. One note about finite missions is that they aren't definite missions. For instance, it's possible to do a Deception mission, only for the Lotus to come in wi...
However L1fewater also identifies Whipclaw as a “pseudo-Exalted Weapon,” in as far as it is also directly affected by a large number of Melee mods. These include Mods that increase flat damage, as well as Elemental Damage, Critical Damage, Critical Chance, Status Chance and Combo Counter...