These weapons are average, but they are still good weapons, nonetheless. They are good items to have until late game stages, until you replace them. However, you can spend more resources on them to make them as reliable as those in the S and A tiers. Primary Kuva Karak Basmu Ambassador...
/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/KuvaLich/Upgrades/InnateDamageRandomMod 特殊功能槽 强化 散射正义 发布时间 版本30.5 同系列武器 海克勇气海克 资料库 蠕虫女皇亲自下令锻造这把本就十分强大的霰弹枪,拥有额外功能可以同时从全部四个枪管开火。 赤毒海克是 海克的赤毒变体,拥有比原版及 勇气海克更高的伤害和暴击几率...
An even stronger Zarr cannon to meet the demands of Kuva Liches. With stronger explosive barrages, and long-range flak shots. The Kuva Zarr is the Kuva variant of the Zarr, with drastic improvements to its critical chance, status chance, the Cannon mode
<模块:Weapons|Frinsecta于5个月前修改了此页面。 此模块的文档可以在模块:Weapons/originChecklist/doc创建 return{ ["^MK1%-"]=false, ["^Prisma "]=false, ["^Dex "]=false, ["^Mara "]=false, ["^Dex Dakra"]=true, ["^Dex Pixia"]=true, ...
Kuva, theKuva Lichversion of a weapon. Weapons•Damage•Incarnon•Compare All•Cosmetics Primary Secondary Melee Archwing Robotic Modular Railjack Arm Cannon AutoBubonico•Shedu Bow ChargeCernos•Cernos Prime•Cinta•Daikyu•Dread•Evensong•Kuva Bramma•Lenz•MK1-Paris•Mutalist Ce...
Mastery Ranking, commonly abbreviated as MR, is a method of tracking how much of the game's total content a player has experienced with points earned by ranking up Warframes, Weapons, Companions, K-Drives, Necramechs, and Archwings with Affinity; success
Weapons • Damage • Incarnon • Compare All • Cosmetics Primary Secondary Melee Archwing Robotic Modular Railjack Arm Cannon Auto Bubonico • Shedu Bow Charge Cernos • Cernos Prime • Cinta • Daikyu • Dread • Evensong • Kuva Bramma • Lenz • MK1-Paris • Mutalis...
Giving you the ability to replace a Kuva weapons innate damage bonus (plus investments like Forma, Focus Lens etc) with one from another Kuva weapon was a good start, but we can push this even further!在26.0.6中首次引入,为了清晰起见,现在被重新命名为效价融合,是为了解决拥有具有不同独特的...
Optimized the VFX on the following weapons by reducing the particle count on the projectiles when using significant multishot. Paracyst Cernos Prime Drakgoon Kuva Bramma Kuva Chakkurr Mutalist Cernos Miter Nagantaka Prime Optimized the water droplets in Teshin’s Cave. Fixed significan...
Changing “forced Operator” bubbles (Cascade + Kuva Trokarian) to not nullify powers.Open Landscape Fast Travel - Blinkpads!We are adding the ability to fast travel in Open Landscapes (Plains of Eidolon, Orb Vallis, and Cambion Drift) using Blinkpads! These are strategically placed around key...