5. Warcraftlogs - Raid Damage Assessment So far, we've looked at individual parses. Let's say you're curious about everyone's DPS on the Desecrated Weapons. Your filter would produce this result: Notice that I clicked the overall Desecrated Weapon damage, not an isolated, singular Desecrated...
used to upload combat logs from your computer. Further, you can create or join a guild with your Warcraft Logs account, so your logs are automatically shown on your guild’s page.
I am not quite sure which log file the in the Event Viewer I need to increase, so I hope you can provide some guidance here?My event viewer is structured like this:- Custom Views - Windows Logs - Applications and Services Logs - SubscriptionsI tried to increase all the logs under ...
Introduction Warcraft Logs is an invaluable 3rd party resource that helps raiders and guilds to troubleshoot raids, optimize, and compete on a serverwide and worldwide scale. Warcraft Logs has a dedicated section for Classic and they have done a good job
Hi, I didn’t have /combatlogs enabled, but I did have DBM/Details enabled. Our guild did a perfect onyxia run and I’m trying to upload it to warcraftlogs. I’ve found the Details.lua file which includes the log for the …
update paths used by Sentry for error reporting (#6716) Apr 12, 2024 pnpm-lock.yaml Improve tracking of cooldowns and haste for Fury (and arms) (#7056) Nov 3, 2024 pnpm-workspace.yaml format pnpm-workspace.yaml with prettier Jul 16, 2024 ...
How to Use Warcraft Logs Molten Core (MC) Molten Core Attunement Molten Core Loot Onyxia’s Lair Blackwing Lair (BWL) Zul’Gurub (ZG) Raid Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ20) Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) Naxxramas Azuregos Lord Kazzak Thunderaan Dragons of Nightmare Guides Hardcore Beginner Get...
A typical hunting ground has hunting furbolgs erect small temporary villages, which will have a central lodge constructed of sturdy logs, or a single log building in the center and a number of less permanent structures surrounding it. Furbolgs also forage; they can eat almost anything, but ...
Warcraft Logs Cruciio March 15, 2023, 4:21am 1 I got a new computer and had to re-download all my add-ons and such. My previous set-up had WCL Uploader and WCL Companion Apps. Every time I login to WoW, it used to just auto log reports for me to my log directory. Then if...
Logout - Logs the user out of the game. Quit - Quits the game, not the Lua script. RandomRoll(low, high) - Does a random roll between the two values. SetPVP(arg1) - Sets the players PVP mode (1 to enable, nil to toggle off eventually) PROTECTED SitStandOrDescendStart() - The ...