欢迎来到 Warcraft Logs,一个为暴雪游戏《魔兽世界》提供战斗记录分析的网站。保存你的战斗记录,上传并对其进行实时分析,发现战斗中哪里出现了问题,以及哪些地方需要改进!
Step 4 Move from Raider.io page to warcraftLogs So, there are only two things left. First, learn the proper rotation. To do this, we’ll move to WarcraftLogs and read, read, and read again. We’ll create a guide on how to read logs later, if you require it, but you can also ...
In order to upload logs to the website, you need to use a client application. We have two options, either the Warcraft Logs Uploader or the Overwolf Companion app. The Warcraft Logs Uploader is a simpler version, which requires very little setup. Read more about the Uploader in our help...
This addon automatically enables combat logging for the WoW arena logs client! WoW Arena Logs is the best tool available to help you analyze your own arena matches and learn from the community. View your matches, analyze your games, search community matches -- watch high MMR replays and more...
Getting Started with Warcraft Logs Classic This page will help you get familiarized with the basics of the site and show you how to start logging. Account setup How to start logging; log uploaders, how to upload, and what settings to use ...
You can get the latest version ofDetails here. This addon serves as a damage meter, healing meter, dispel meter and death log, all in one! While it is not as complete as a Warcraft Logs parse, it is the closest thing to it.
1、https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveWoW/comments/1ijxvh1/i_made_a_script_to_abbreviate_the_large_numbers/ 一个油猴脚本: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/526196-warcraft-logs-number-abbreviator 可以让WCL事件下的数字显示为M和K。
An update on the features introduced in the Warcraft Logs 9.2 Sepulcher of the First Ones update. (WoW - TWW)
Even if a player exists who has no idea what Warcraft Logs is and they find that it is “used against them” all it takes is a simple Google search to learn about what Warcraft Logs are, how they work etc. Oh and not to mention, Blizzard has gone as far as including an OFFICIAL ...