New aspects of the Warburg effect in cancer cell biology. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2012; 23 (4:352–361.Bensinger SJ, Christofk HR (2012) New aspects of the Warburg effect in cancer cell biology . Seminars in cells & Developmental Biology 23 : 352–361...
近日,叶江滨实验室在Cancer Research上发表了题为Mitochondrial uncoupling induces epigenome remodeling and promotes differentiation in neuroblastoma的文章,发现线粒体解偶联剂可促进肿瘤表观遗传组重构和诱导肿瘤分化。 百年以前,德国生理学家、诺...
近日,叶江滨实验室在Cancer Research上发表了题为Mitochondrial uncoupling induces epigenome remodeling and promotes differentiation in neuroblastoma的文章,发现线粒体解偶联剂可促进肿瘤表观遗传组重构和诱导肿瘤分化。 百年以前,德国生理学家、诺贝尔奖得主奥托.H.瓦博格 (Otto H. Warburg) 发现并以他的名字命名...
参考文献【1】Understanding the Warburg effect: the metabolic requirements of cell proliferation,DOI:10.1126/science.1160809【2】Saturation of the mitochondrial NADH shuttles drives aerobic glycolysis in proliferating cells,DOI:10.1016/j.molcel.2022.07.007【3】Cell-programmed nutrient partitioning in the tum...
In the 1930s Otto Warburg won a Nobel Prize for an observation that has since become known as “the Warburg effect” in oncology. He had reported that most cancer cells predominantly produce energy by a high rate of glycolysis (sugar metabolism) rather than the low rate in most normal cells...
In the present review, we describe the many facets of the Warburg effect in cancer cells and discuss how a better understanding of this metabolic shift may facilitate the development of new anti-cancer drug treatments and strategies to overcome resistance to the treatments that are currently availab...
Cancer cells rewire metabolism to meet biosynthetic and energetic demands. The characteristic increase in glycolysis, i.e., Warburg effect, now considered as a hallmark, supports cancer in various ways. To attain such metabolic reshuffle, cancer cells preferentially re-express the M2 isoform of pyruv...
Dang CV, Le A, Gao P (2009) MYC-induced cancer cell energy metabolism and therapeutic opportunities.Clin. Cancer Res.15(21), 6479–83. Gogvadze V, Zhivotovsky B, Orrenius S (2010) The Warburg effect and mitochondrial stability in cancer cells.Mol. Aspects Med.31(1), 60–74. ...
Most cancer cells employ the Warburg effect to support anabolic growth and tumorigenesis. Here, we discovered a key link between Warburg effect and aberrantly activated Wnt/β-catenin signalling, especially by pathologically significant APC loss, in CRC.
The Warburg effect is a cellular phenomenon in cancer cells discovered by Otto Warburg in 1924. His findings showed that in normoxic conditions tumor cells primarily use glycolysis for energy production instead of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation like normal cells. This breakthrough has been the ...