War Thunder - Italian Starter Pack Se connecter pour évaluer Avis global des joueurs 4.55Évaluation moyenne de 4.55 étoiles sur cinq basée sur 11 évaluations 11 avis 73 % 9 % 18 % 0 % 0 % Informations sur le jeu et mentions légales Ce Pack comprend:M14/41 (47/40) (Rang ...
Notitie! DLC's uit de bundels kunnen niet tweemaal aan hetzelfde account worden toegewezen! Dit Pack omvat: T14 (Rank 2, VS); BTD-1 (Rank 3, VS); Elco 80 ft PT-556 (Rank 2, VS); Premium-account voor 7 dagen; 1000 gouden adelaars; 120000 Silver
DEV Server - War Thunder "La Royale" How to set up Dev Server - Tutorial Dev Server - Update Notes General Discussion Dev Server - Bug Reports 4.1k posts Petition to swap the places of Su-39(Su-25TM) with Su-25T ByMr_Pokemon26295,June 18, 2023 ...
El B1 sigue siendo uno de los tanques más icónicos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial no solo por su apariencia visual reconocible al instante, sino también por su uso generalizado durante la Invasión de Francia en 1940. B1ter fue concebido como un "tanque de batalla", destinado a atravesar...
DLC's uit de bundels kunnen niet tweemaal aan hetzelfde account worden toegewezen! Dit Pack omvat: SdKfz 140/1 tank (Rank 1 Germany); Ju.87R-2 fighter (Rank 1 Germany); Premium account voor 7 dagen; 120000 Silver Lions. Met alle premium voertuigen kun je meer RP en Lions verdienen...
We’re ending 2023 in style with the awesome Air Superiority major update. Top-tier jets have been added to several nations, some of which include the F-15, the Su-27 and J-11, the Mirage 4000, plus the JAS39. We’ve introduced Rank VIII for ground vehicles, and subsequently new tan...
war thunder如何设置中文? War Thunder 设置中文的方法 对于PC版 1. 启动游戏: - 打开War Thunder游戏客户端。 2. 进入游戏大厅: - 进入游戏后,你会看到游戏大厅的界面。 3. 选择语言设置: - 在游戏大厅的右上角找到“设置”或“选项”按钮,点击进入设置菜单。
War Thunder Video11 October 2022 T-34 Family The T-34 was and remains a legend. Thousands of these tanks were instrumental in defending the Soviet Union from the German invasion and became famous worldwide thanks to their exceptional capabilities. Today we’re going to tell you how to unlock...
warthunder游戏全称:War Thunder Mobile,是一款超好玩的海战游戏,轻松游玩无压力,方便用户日常游玩,各种游戏资源应有尽有,各种历史战舰这里都能看到,驾驶你最喜爱的舰船称霸海域吧。 warthunder常见问题 warthunder如何设置手柄控制? 一、进入游戏设置 启动游戏:首先,打开《War Thunder》游戏。 进入设置:在游戏的主界面...
Battle Pass comes to War Thunder! It is a seasonal event, where you can take part any time you like. Get handy combat items, and exclusive items! Decals, titles, decorations, avatars, and even Premium vehicles! We will announce the start of the first Battle Pass season when it's ready...