The SU-57B is a Soviet tank destroyer. It was introduced in Update 1.83 "Masters of the Sea".
War Thunder Video10 January 2024 War Thunder RWRs: The Ultimate Guide The Sons of Attila update has introduced some major reworks into aircraft radar warning systems. Today we’d like to tell you everything you need to know about RWR. ...
War Thunder Ücretsiz+ Açıklama Not! Gruplardan gelen DLC'ler iki kez aynı hesaba atanamaz! Bu Paket şunları içerir: M3A1 Stuart (Kademe 1 ABD); USMC decal; Rasmussen's P-36A Hawk (Kademe 1 ABD); 7 günlük prim hesabı; 500 Altın Kartal; 120000 Silver Li...
We’re ending 2023 in style with the awesome Air Superiority major update. Top-tier jets have been added to several nations, some of which include the F-15, the Su-27 and J-11, the Mirage 4000, plus the JAS39. We’ve introduced Rank VIII for ground vehicles, and subsequently new tan...
本特惠包包含: Su-7BMK (蘇聯 6 級); 15天高級帳戶特權; 2000 隻金鷹. 蘇-7BMK戰鬥轟炸機是蘇-7BM的出口型號,於上世紀60年代中期研製完成。由於蘇-7BKL已經投產,出口型號的蘇-7BMK結合採用了蘇-7BKL的機身以及機載設備,同時沿用了蘇-7BM的機翼以及起落架。蘇-7BMK是整個蘇-7家族中產量最大的型號,並...
- 打开War Thunder游戏客户端。 2. 进入游戏大厅: - 进入游戏后,你会看到游戏大厅的界面。 3. 选择语言设置: - 在游戏大厅的右上角找到“设置”或“选项”按钮,点击进入设置菜单。 4. 切换语言: - 在设置菜单中找到“语言”或“Language”选项。
Su-17М2 — 2х R-60 preset has been added. Javelin F.(A.W.) Mk.9 — 2х Firestreak preset has been added. Scimitar F Mk.1 — 2х AIM-9B preset has been added. Hunter F.6 — 2х SRAAM preset has been added. Lightning F.6 — 2х Firestreak presets are now available with...
War Thunder - Su-25K Pack SG$87.00 War Thunder 免费+ 详细显示 功能 联机多人游戏 (2-32)在线合作 (2-8) Xbox 状态 Xbox 俱乐部 介绍 本特惠包包含: Su-25K (苏联 6 级); 15天高级帐户特权; 2000 只金鹰. 苏-25K 是苏联于上世纪 80 年代研发的苏-25 对地攻击机的出口型号。这款战机参加过多...
战雷集锦(战争雷霆)WarThunder-F14B-鸟不行的时候可以相信下9L 95 -- 2:35 App 战雷集锦(战争雷霆)WarThunder-SU27SM-ET超视距偷人 115 -- 5:17 App 战雷集锦(战争雷霆)WarThunder-Su27/J11与山里灵活的狗搏斗 135 -- 6:24 App 战雷集锦(战争雷霆)WarThunder-Su27/J11-宛若游龙 284 -- 4:51 Ap...
War Thunder - Su-25K Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 3.44Average rating 3.44 stars out of five stars from 9 ratings 9 ratings 44% 22% 0% 0% 33% Game and Legal Info This pack includes:- Su-25K (Rank 6 USSR);- 2000 Golden Eagles;- Premium account for 15 days.The Su...