The SU-57B is a Soviet tank destroyer. It was introduced in Update 1.83 "Masters of the Sea".
Mk 79 Mod 0 — New incendiary bomb has been added for A-4B. M116A2 — Incendiary bombs have been added for F8F-1B (France), F-100A (China).Flight Model changesSu-2 (all modifications), Er-2 (all modifications), DB-3 (all modifications) — Engine fire extinguishing systems have bee...
War Thunder Video 22 December 2024 Su-33: Unfulfilled Plans The Soviet Union has always had inferior carrier-based aircraft compared to the West. While the United States used all the might of its aircraft carriers in World War 2 and Vietnam and the United Kingdom showcased theirs during ...
来自War Thunder 开发者的更新、活动和新闻。
Lancia 3Ro (100/17)— the Granata da 100 Mod.914 shell parameters have been corrected. The initial velocity has been lowered from 370 m/s to 244 m/s. The mass has been increased from 16 kg to 16.2 kg.Source:Artiglierie su affusto a ruote ed in installazione mobile, dati principal...
I-185 (all modifications), P-51a (Thunder League) - bug which leads under certain conditions to aircraft uncontrollable rotation in arcade mode, in mouse aim mode, has been fixed. LaGG-3-8/11 - Braking force on the wheels has been modified. Control during taxiing has been improved. Blenhe...
Dieses Paket beinhaltet: Su-25K (Rang VI, UdSSR); 2000 Golden Eagles; Premium-Konto fur 15 Tage. Die Su-25K ist eine Exportvariante des sowjetischen Schlachtflugzeugs, das Mitte der 1980er Jahre entwickelt wurde. Es wurde in vielen Konflikten eingesetzt, darunter im Ersten Golfkrieg Mi...
本特惠包包含: Su-7BMK (蘇聯 6 級); 15天高級帳戶特權; 2000 隻金鷹. 蘇-7BMK戰鬥轟炸機是蘇-7BM的出口型號,於上世紀60年代中期研製完成。由於蘇-7BKL已經投產,出口型號的蘇-7BMK結合採用了蘇-7BKL的機身以及機載設備,同時沿用了蘇-7BM的機翼以及起落架。蘇-7BMK是整個蘇-7家族中產量最大的型號,並...
注意: 「War Thunder - Su-22M4 WTD 61 Pack」已不再於 Steam 商店中提供。 可下載的內容 您必須在 Steam 上擁有遊戲主程式 War Thunder 才能遊玩此內容。 關於此內容 本套包包括: Su-22M4 WTD 61(德國 7 級); 高級帳號 20 天; 2500 枚金鷹。 Su-22M4 WTD 61是該系列飛機中最先進的型號,德意志民...
war thunder是一款免费多人在线军事模拟游戏。这款游戏专注于二战及之后时期的空战、陆战与海战,提供了高度详细的军事载具以及真实的战场环境,玩家可以自由的驾驶坦克进行游玩。 war thunder常见问题 war thunder如何设置中文? War Thunder 设置中文的方法 对于PC版 1. 启动游戏: - 打开War Thunder游戏客户端。 2. 进...