新世纪之初,俄联邦仍保有大量 PT-76 两栖坦克,倘若利用得当,这些老旧的苏联产物依旧有潜力成为不可小觑的打击力量;而下诺夫哥罗德“雷鸟”设计局的工程师们计划以一款不同寻常的火力升级方案提升这些两栖猎手的作战能力:将 PT-76 的标准炮塔进行改装以容纳一门 57 毫米自动炮与机械化弹药舱。尽管将老旧的水陆战车...
PT-76B (War Thunder) by KojfDiscord 3D Loading 3D modelModel is too heavy for your device and can not be rendered properlyModel Inspector 00:00.00 x0.1 x0.5 x1 x2
PT-76 (China)- The tank will be hidden (in two weeks from the major update release) from the Chinese ground vehicles tree and will be not available for research. Vehicle will be added to the group with the new unit from this update - the Object 211 and will remain with players who ...
步战车与装甲车被击毁时会影响士气 火炮的开火特效更容易识别 兄弟阋墙 修复了BUG,该BUG会使按下ESC键后跳过所有对话框。修复后按下ESC键仅回跳过正在显示的对话框 仅能使用一回合的空军棋子仅在被完全摧毁后,才计入损失 特性 将军模式增加了合作和对战功能 ...
Golden Eagles é a moeda de jogo da qual você pode comprar Veículos Premium. Conta Premium - aumenta o ganho de Pontos de Pesquisa e Silver Lions em cada batalha, isto é cumulativos com os bônus de veículos premium Conversão para Silver Li
War Thunder - US Starter Bundle PS4PS5 M3A1 Stuart tank (Rank 1, USA) Thach's F2A-1 plane (Rank 1, USA) 120.000 Silver Lions Premium Account for 7 days. €4,99 War Thunder - Retrofuture Tank Snail Bundle Unique Retrofuture Tank Snail Decal ...
Authentic engine audio has been added for the PT-76. New audio for the QF2 cannon has been added. The audio of the 30mm ADEN cannon has been improved. The audio of the M60 cannon has been improved. The audio for the Type 2 machine guns has been improved. ...
War Thunder 豹子的狩猎蒙娜丽莎的咆哮 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多204 -- 2:30 App War Thunder 16式FPS的偷袭之路 176 -- 6:04 App War Thunder 战狼上天了 194 -- 5:01 App 我是真的感觉有一种影响网络的外挂 939 -- 9:02 App 【战争雷霆】PT76-57:我™没有开挂 ...