Get ready for the new season of the War Thunder Battle Pass! Open new stages and get unique combat vehicles, as well as tons of prizes: decals, 3D decorations, profile icons and a unique loading screen and title! [Update] "Winged Lions" ...
1.关闭战雷 2.进入“文档”下的\My Games\WarThunder\Saves(或直接按Win+R然后粘贴"%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\WarThunder\Saves"一键直达),这时候应该能看到如图所示的文件 bruh 3.用记事本打开common.blk,此时内容应如图所示或基本类似,然后把 useSteamLoginAuto:b=yes 中的yes改为no 图 4.重启战雷,...
首先,打开 ,点log in 按照图片所示登陆 登陆完后悔回到官网,然后点自己的名字 这时候进入一个新的界面,点modify profile 在Nick这一栏里删掉旧名字,输入新名字,然后点Update profile,有一个DElete切记千万别点把以上的做完,你游戏里的名字也就改好了。如果某个人被你拉近黑名单,就算他改名字,你黑名...
The finest hour of the SBD-3 was undoubtedly the Battle of Midway where they sank four Japanese aircraft carriers, a crippling blow that marked the turning point of the Pacific War. Naval maps are slightly unusual in War Thunder, when they do appear the Dauntless is ideally suited, able to...
War Thunder "Storm Warning" - Changelog Meet Storm Warning, War Thunder’s last major update of 2024. 16 December 2024 Server Update 21.02.2025 Airfields have been replaced with new types in all missions on the “Moscow” location.
War Thunder Assistant makes it possible to view the statistics of your account as well as any user's profile in the game.
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\WarThunder\Saves\ macOS (OS X) Linux$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/WarThunder/Saves/<user-id> It's unknown whether this game follows theXDG Base Directory Specificationon Linux. Please fill in this information. Save game cloud syncing•Link ...
步骤二:前往苹果Apple Store商店,登出大陆苹果id,再登录苹果id并搜索“War Thunder Mobile”并下载二、账号注册登录游戏支持游客访问,Google、Facebook、Gaijin账号登录,推荐使用Google或者Gaijin账号登录Ginjin账号注册 点击或者复制到浏览器打开:
所有活动>War Thunder 活动> Update Aircraft EF-2000— AIM-9M missiles have been added, the AIM-9L/I-1 modification has been replaced with the AIM-9M. AIM-9L/I-1— the missile engine is no longer smokeless. Alpha Jet TH— Battle Rating in all Air Battle modes has been incr...
Each opened level brings you a valuable reward, from Silver Lions and boosters to exclusive season prizes: decorations, profile icons and premium vehicles. Battle Pass Game mechanics — 2 War Thunder Video 18 May 2024 Battle Pass: Strength Athletics The third season of Battle Pass started ...