很有趣的是,由于弹道高度变化很大,一些弹在更远距离发射时,末速度反而略有增加 这些弹在低空近距离对射都是高速杀头弹,所以没测更近距离。实际谁先射、谁后射要比导弹本身的性能更重要(而不是像现在麻雀打ER那样速度差距很大) 一些结论: 1.目前最好的主动弹是AIM-120A(蓝)。 中远距离上飞行时间最短、基本...
21秒巡航段,推力7850N,在低空会略微减速,高空则能保持速度不变。 配置双推力发动机的思想-90的实际飞行速度剖面比54C强大很多。54C的超长动力段虽然有利于末端速度,但是由于孱弱的推重比(3.09),动力段前中期飞行速度非常慢,严重拖累了均速和导弹到达时间。 口径37cm比54C(38cm)略小,为保持实际阻力近似,思想-90阻...
Play War Thunder Mobile on your phone! Learn more Register now!Download game System Requirements For PC For MAC For Linux Minimum OS: Windows 10 (64 bit) Processor: Dual-Core 2.2 GHz Memory: 4GB Video Card: DirectX 11 level video card: AMD Radeon 77XX / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660. The min...
方法1:直接修改游戏文件(懒人请跳到方法2,但是这个方法可以让你下载更少的东西,小水管可以用这个方法)1.找到你的游戏根文件夹 非steam的游戏目录:C:\Program Files\War Thunder 非steam的64位系统游戏目录:C:\Program Files (x86)\War Thunder Steam的游戏目录:C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps...
It's also blatantly obvious Sony isn't keen on the idea so a good solution imo is requiring PS Plus for Fortnite, Rocket League, War Thunder in change for cross platform. Would be a good money making policy. I don't want Sony to do it but I ...
[ 昨日整部实况 ] WarThunder 飞机世界-测试服 DEV-server 1.36原本要传youku的 但是他不转码了 - -弄了点后黑 实际时间 约78分钟 新浪视频 视频来自:新浪视频百度下载~\("▔□▔)/http://pan.baidu.com/s/1CFvyM 送TA礼物 本楼含有高级字体1楼2013-11-15 00:30回复 铁...
DEV Server Section DEV Server - War Thunder "La Royale" How to set up Dev Server - Tutorial Dev Server - Update Notes General Discussion Dev Server - Bug Reports 4.1k posts Petition to swap the places of Su-39(Su-25TM) with Su-25T ...
What is War Thunder? War Thunder is the largest free-to-play multiplayer online game featuring military vehicles from the early 20th century until present time. Aviation, ground vehicles, and naval forces fight together in one game and even in one battle, just as the real-life battles were ...
游戏 手机应用 将自动采用推荐技术 Modeley Master 前往主页 Master的贴子全部贴子搜索贴文公告板上的贴子 Modeley Master #WarThunder: DEV сервер 2.34 Новыемоделинасайтеhttps://gamemodels3d.com/games/warthunder/test/ ...
When we talked with Gaijin CEO about Sony's Fortnite crossplay beta program a few months ago,he warned us that not all games might be able to get the same opportunity. It turns out he was right so far and the studio behind War Thunder seems quite frustrated with the situation, especially...