Play War Thunder Mobile on your phone! Learn more Register now! Download game System Requirements For PC For MAC For Linux Minimum OS: Windows 10 (64 bit) Processor: Dual-Core 2.2 GHz Memory: 4GB Video Card: DirectX 11 level video card: AMD Radeon 77XX / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660...
You are free to download and play the game right away without any restrictions or subscription fees. Can I play the game offline? No, you need a permanent internet connection in order to play War Thunder. You can choose the server that suits you best (Russia, Europe, America, Asia) in ...
21秒巡航段,推力7850N,在低空会略微减速,高空则能保持速度不变。 配置双推力发动机的思想-90的实际飞行速度剖面比54C强大很多。54C的超长动力段虽然有利于末端速度,但是由于孱弱的推重比(3.09),动力段前中期飞行速度非常慢,严重拖累了均速和导弹到达时间。 口径37cm比54C(38cm)略小,为保持实际阻力近似,思想-90阻...
很有趣的是,由于弹道高度变化很大,一些弹在更远距离发射时,末速度反而略有增加 这些弹在低空近距离对射都是高速杀头弹,所以没测更近距离。实际谁先射、谁后射要比导弹本身的性能更重要(而不是像现在麻雀打ER那样速度差距很大) 一些结论: 1.目前最好的主动弹是AIM-120A(蓝)。 中远距离上飞行时间最短、基本...
我们很荣幸地宣布 War Thunder 帆船舰队 进行第一次公开测试 目前已开放了第一个皇家海军科技树,邀请您一同在帆船的黄金年代驾驶这些传奇船舰! 在测试完此一类型的战斗后,我们计画将引入”开放式世界”,与现有的机制不同, 猛猛贰... 4-1 7 【更新包/日志】【客户端更新】版本1.57.2.33(16/3/29) ...
dev 4Branches14Tags Code War Thunder resource extraction tools Tools that help you extract resources from game: fonts, textures, FM/DM of tanks/planes/ships, parameters of weapons, and other interesting stuff. It also should work for Cuisine Royale and Enlisted games. ...
The main prize of the upcoming winter event for War Thunder tankers will be the Soviet experimental main battle tank T-80UM-2 with the Drozd hard-kill active protection system. The very high combat characteristics of the nimble Soviet top-tier MBT are complemented by an ability of destroying ...
我们很荣幸地宣布 War Thunder 帆船舰队 进行第一次公开测试 目前已开放了第一个皇家海军科技树,邀请您一同在帆船的黄金年代驾驶这些传奇船舰! 在测试完此一类型的战斗后,我们计画将引入”开放式世界”,与现有的机制不同, 猛猛贰... 4-1 7 【更新包/日志】【客户端更新】版本1.57.2.33(16/3/29) ...
游戏 手机应用 将自动采用推荐技术 Modeley Master 前往主页 Master的贴子全部贴子搜索贴文公告板上的贴子 Modeley Master #WarThunder: DEV сервер 2.34 Новыемоделинасайте ...
and the only cross-play which is not available is between the two consoles. We asked Sony for it multiple times, before the Xbox One version launch and when the PlayStation Cross-Play Beta was announced, but we haven't received clearance yet. Technically War Thunder is ready to become a ...