William E. Butler, Grotius on War and Peace in English Translationdoi:10.1515/zrgg-2024-0022Joachim StübenD-25 492 Heist, GermanyDe GruyterZeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung
书名:War and Peace《战争与和平》 中文简介:《战争与和平》是俄国作家列夫·托尔斯泰的一部长篇小说。本书于1865年到1869年出版,讲述欧洲拿破仑时期的俄罗斯所发生的事。《战争与和平》自从问世以来,一直被认为是世界上最伟大的小说之一。故事以1812年的俄国卫国战争为中心,通过记叙1805年至1820年的重大事件,包括奥斯...
Unit6Warandpeace FOREIGNLANGUAGETEACHINGANDRESEARCHPRESSHEBEIUNIVERSITY Objectives 123 usethekeylanguagetotalkaboutthecrueltyofwar applythereadingskill–readingformainideasinparagraphsdevelopadescriptiveessaytranslatewiththeskilloffreetranslationconceivethecrueltyofwaronthecommonpeople 4 5 SectionAUnderthebombs:1945 Pr...
Tolstoy gave his personal approval to this translation, ... (展开全部) War and Peace的创作者· ··· 列夫·托尔斯泰作者 作者简介· ··· A. N. Wilson is an award-winning novelist, biographer, and journalist, and the author of God’s Funeral and the biographies C. S. Lewis, Paul, a...
“jolly people who streamed in and out of her mother’s Moscow drawing room.” Nevertheless, she adapted to life in the country. She bore thirteen children, five of whom died in childhood. The couple worked closely together, Sophia acting as e...
Set against the sweeping panoply of Napoleon s invasion of Russia, War and Peace?presented here in the first new English translation in forty years?is often considered the greatest novel ever written. At its center are Pierre Bezukhov, searching for meaning in his life; cynical Prince Andrei,...
Governmentisneithercommittedtopeace norwilling to respect international law, including United Nations resolutions. daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 在这方面,我们认为以色列坚持在巴勒斯坦土地上殖民, 扩大定居点制度的事实清楚表明,以色列政府既不致力于和平,也不愿意遵守国 际法,包括联合国的各项决议。
Translation (vocabulary and phrases) 1 landing n. 2 allied adj. 3 troop n. 4 code-name v. 5 tide n. 6 commander n. 7 parachute n. 8 coastline n. 9 gunfire n. 10 tank n. 11 solemn adj. 12 weary v. 13 杰出的,优秀的 adj. 14 迫使处于不幸的境地 v. 15 纪念的,追悼的 adj. ...