The picture of what we call history and the struggle of nations is complete. The picture of everything that people consider to be their happiness and greatness, their sorrow and their humiliation, is complete. That is what War and Peace is.” From NN Strakhov's review of War and Peace,...
这是一次氛围性阅读。 所谓氛围性阅读,就是内容没太读懂,完全凭借读书的一种氛围进行下去的阅读。可以用埃科喜欢引用的伍迪艾伦读《安娜·卡列尼娜》的一句话来形容——我不知道这本书在讲什么,但我知道这是一个关于俄国的故事。 语言是一个难题,如果我读的是中文版,我可以保证在半个月内结束这本书。但英文,我...
The Atlas of War and Peace.(Book Review)Rhodes, Fred
《战争与和平》比较阅读书评(Warandpeace,comparative reading,bookreview) Hisparentsdon'tlikeBoKonzKiandoldZukhov,heisata safedistance,withallwalksoflifeexperienceandreading experience,likeaphotographeronhiswaytoobservetheobject, holdingthecuriousquestinmind.Andyearshavegivenhima ...
War and Peace. Review of The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, by John J. MearsheimerRosecrance
Владимир liked this review Reviewed by Mr_Arch1e ★★★ Remove AdsComment? Please sign in to reply.Владимир is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. Join here. Show Владимир’s activity Sign in to log, rate or review Share this...
Book Review: Shuji Cao, Yushang Li, The Plague: War and Peace: Environmental and Social Changes in China, 1230-1960. Jinan: Shandong Pictorial Publishing House, 2006. 466 p.* It’s the impact of New Cultural History, which rose at 1980s, drives historians to reconsider the limitation of...
Book Review:The Crowd in Peace and War. Martin ConwayThe critical group K(G) of a graph G is a finite abelian group whose order is the number of spanning forests of the graph. Here we i...
CHAPTER III On returning from the review, Kutuzov took the Austrian general into his private room and, calling his adjut...