War and Peace (1967) Trailer GoProto customize …JustWatch Review byВладимирФадеев War and Peace1967 ★★★½ Rewatched16Feb2024 Фильм-причина, из-закоторогоуменятеперьсбитнахуйрежимс 2018-гогода. Н...
The prestige of the Soviet film industry rested on “War and Peace” for half a decade, and the result looks like it. You are never, ever, going to see anything to equal it. Indeed, because of the need to schedule the film in two segments of three hours each, you may never even s...
From NN Strakhov's review of War and Peace, Zarya, January 1870. (Translated by George Gibian) “I must admit that this novel strikes me as being positively bad, boring, and unsuccessful….And how cold and dry all this is—how one feels the author’s lack of imagination and naïveté...
War & Peace: With Paul Dano, James Norton, Lily James, Adrian Edmondson. As the Russian conflict with Napoleon reaches its peak, five aristocratic families face the possibility of their lives being changed forever.
War and Peace. Review of The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, by John J. MearsheimerRosecrance
《战争与和平》比较阅读书评(Warandpeace,comparative reading,bookreview) Hisparentsdon'tlikeBoKonzKiandoldZukhov,heisata safedistance,withallwalksoflifeexperienceandreading experience,likeaphotographeronhiswaytoobservetheobject, holdingthecuriousquestinmind.Andyearshavegivenhima ...
War and Peace: Directed by King Vidor. With Audrey Hepburn, Henry Fonda, Mel Ferrer, Vittorio Gassman. Napoleon's tumultuous relations with Russia, including his disastrous 1812 invasion, serve as the backdrop for the tangled personal lives of two aristo
My Journey Through War and Peace: A poignant and informative feminist memoir that spans world landscapes, wars, and spiritual quests. At twenty-two, Melissa Burch headed to Afghanistan with a camera and a vague internal directive, determined to film a wa
Book Review: war, peace, and human nature: the convergence of evolutionary and cultural views "War, Peace, and Human Nature: The Convergence of Evolutionary and Cultural Views." Douglas P. Fry. Oxford University Press. April 2013. --- Have humans always waged war? Is warring an ancient evo...