小说家白先勇在《游园惊梦》(Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream)中描述的钱夫人对于旧日风华蹁跹的追忆,像极了古典园林在当代的处境——一场纯美的梦境,因此有了距离。在海外的中国古典园林,可以是国人的一份故国乡愁,也可...
小说家白先勇在《游园惊梦》( Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream )中描述的钱夫人对于旧日风华蹁跹的追忆,像极了古典园林在当代的处境——一场纯美的梦境,因此有了距离。在海外的中国古典园林,可以是国人的一份故国乡愁,也可以是更多人,不论地域,了解中国传统文化的窗口。这次活动便想敲开一点窗口,经...
>Wandering in a Garden, Waking from a Dream 作者:Hsien-Yung Pai 副标题:Tales of Taipei Characters isbn:0253202760 书名:Wandering in a Garden, Waking from a Dream 页数:224 定价:USD 133.85 出版社:Indiana University Press 译者:Patia Yasin ...
作者:Hsien-Yung Pai 出版社:Indiana University Press 副标题:Tales of Taipei Characters 译者:Patia Yasin 出版年:1982-9-30 页数:224 定价:USD 64.81 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780253199812 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 ...
台北板桥林本源园林重访1WanderingintheGardenWakingfroma.PDF,遊園驚夢——台北板橋林本源園林重訪1 Wandering in the Garden, Waking from a Dream : Revisit Lin Family Garden, Banqiao, Taipei 夏鑄九 2 Chu-joe Hsia 關鍵詞:地景史、園林史、空間體驗、虛擬空間、象
Wandering the Garden, Waking from a DreamCarlos Rojas
The waking or being woken up. The cold hands on the back game. The hurried breakfast on weekdays and the breakfast in bed on Sundays. The lazy Saturdays! The chai-pavs, the chit chats, the late night movies. The resting of the head on one’s shoulder, the intense conversations of whe...
I am the epitome of a morning grump. I absolutely hate waking up, I hit snooze an embarrassingly high number of times, and if I haven’t had any caffeine, you better not attempt conversation. Regardless of the previous night’s activities or the day ahead, every morning is an uphill bat...
I mean waking up to an infinity pool with sea views… not too shabby. I hit the beach early to beat the heat and the crowds and enjoyed near solitude until 10:30am. In mid-March the water was still chillier than I expected considering how warm it gets during the day but it was ...
It was the sound of something coming. Something wakingup.He heard it again as Poisonbite wavered. Then she glanced over her shoulder, bared her teeth.Light from behind them. “Run! Run or die!” The Goblins ran. Now, Kevin heard shouts. ...