因为一个.py代码文件中,wandb.log一次,step加一次。 例如:.py包含def train()和def validate()。def train()运行了100epochs,也就是100steps,wandb画图是从0开始画。def validate()运行的step是从101开始计数,wandb画图是从101step开始画。 如果要比较第一次wandb.log和第二次wandb.log的train loss和validate ...
I am using wandb with stablebaselines3 and wandb.log seems to work fine with a DummyVecEnv. When I attempt to use SubprocVecEnv, wandb.log() returns the following error: Note: My custom gym environment implements a wandb.log at the end o...
针对你遇到的 wandb.errors.error: you must call wandb.init() before wandb.log() 错误,这里有一些可能的解决方案和检查步骤。这个错误通常表明你在调用 wandb.log() 方法之前没有正确初始化 Weights & Biases (W&B) 的会话。以下是详细的解答: 确认wandb库已正确安装并导入: 确保你已经安装了 wandb 库,...
log_image) image = torch.rand((3, 64, 64)) wandb_logger.log_image('image', [image]) I saw the following output for the print statements and was successfully able to log an image into W&B: <pytorch_lightning.loggers.wandb.WandbLogger object at 0x7fa8b2d8edf0> <bound method Wandb...
业务高速增长,如祺出行如何用腾讯云消息队列 RocketMQ 应对挑战
wandb.log( {"total loss": total_loss,"policy loss": policy_loss,"value loss": value_loss,"score": score, } ) 开发者ID:medipixel,项目名称:rl_algorithms,代码行数:21,代码来源:agent.py 示例4: run ▲点赞 6▼ # 需要导入模块: import wandb [as 别名]# 或者: from wandb importlog[as ...
我正在尝试使用 wandb.log 保存绘图。他们的文档说要做: wandb.log({"chart": plt}) 但这对我来说失败了。 我收到两个错误,第一个错误(当我在尝试执行 wand.log 之前不执行 plt.show() 时): Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/PyCharm.app/Contents/plugins/python/helpers/...
I want to choose hyperparameters for my metric (so far I have chosen the metric of the model itself). I use wandb sweep for this purpose. I tried the code. which is given below, but I get an error "wandb: Error('You must call wandb.init(...