Log in to the ONT WebUI, you can view the created WAN configuration on the ONT WebUI, and check whether the configuration is consistent with that on the OLT. 4. Configuring Parameters of the TR069 Server (ACS Server) Step 1, create an ONT TR069 profile. M...
For MSBR devices, the TR-069 connection to the ACS can be done on the LAN or WAN interface. The protocol stack looks as follows: Figure 2-1: TR-069 Protocol Stack CPE/ACS Management Application RPC Methods SOAP HTTP SSL/TLS TCP/IP Communication is typically established by the CPE; ...
TR-069 CPE WAN Management Protocol TR-098 Gateway Device Version 1.1 Data Model for TR-069 TR-142 Framework for TR-069 Enabled PON Devices 2、本设备符合以下国家标准。 标准 说明 GB 4943-2011 信息技术设备的安全 GB 9254-1998 信息技术设备的无线电骚扰限值和测量方法 GB/T 17618-1998 ...
光猫不上线排查思路和方法。思路一、光纤线路光衰是否正常思路二、测试光猫业务是否正常思路三、查看光猫TR069 WAN业务是否正常思路四、光模块PON链路不正常思路五、默认光猫远程管理地址(ACS)不通。#全光网络 #智能化弱电工程 - 秒开IPTV于20230514发布在抖音,已经
Now supports TR-069 remote management! Broader region support: North America, EU, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, New Zealand Support added for the new Semtech Basics Station forwarder in addition to ChirpStack, Senet, AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN, Actility and TTN packe...