Dimark Software provides remote management products that dramatically lower the costs wired and wireless broadband service providers incur activating, supporting and retaining their subscribers. TR-069 Embedded Client Dimark's market leading embedded TR-069 client is a field tested application that’s been...
一、 TR-069简介 TR-069(Technical Report-069)是在CWMP(CPE WAN Management Protocol)上开发的通信协议,是CPE(Customer Premise Equipment)和ACS(Auto-Configuration Server)之间的通信链路。通过该协议,CPE可以实现服务提供、功能设置、文件上传下载、系统检测等初始化和运行必不可少的措施。二、TR-069协议的...
FOCUS Dimark has earned a reputation as a very competent software vendor who supplies management tools to enable wired and wireless broadband service providers and device manufacturers to deliver and support their goods and services in a reliable cost-effective manner. ...
By using this Website you agree that we can place cookies on your computer or device as explained above. However, you can control and manage cookies in various ways. Please bear in mind that removing or blocking cookies can impact on your user experience and parts of this Website may no ...
CWMP (TR-069)技术介绍 技术介绍 系统管理目录 目录 CWMP (TR-069) (1)CWMP(TR-069)概述 (1)CWMP网络框架 (1)CWMP基本功能 (2)CWMP实现机制 (3)i
<Name>Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion</Name>//设备的软件版本信息 <Value>AIM1.3.10.8</Value> </ParameterValueStruct> <ParameterValueStruct> <Name>Device.ManagementServer.ConnectionRequestURL</Name>//请求URL(设备联系地址) <Value></Value> ...
目录 1 CWMP (TR-069)配置...1-11.1 CWMP (TR-069)简介...
8.函数具体功能(TR069协议的功能) (1)自动配置和动态业务服务(Auto-configuration and dynamic service provisioning) TR069协议规定了ACS可以在CPE第一次上线或上线后的任何时候对CPE进行配置如:ACS使用CPE函数中的set方法对CPE进行配置。 (2)软件和硬件镜像管理(Software/Firmware p_w_picpath management) ...
1.1 CWMP (TR-069)简介 CWMP(CPE WAN Management Protocol,CPE广域网管理协议)是由DSL(Digital Subscriber's Line,数字用户线路)论坛发起开发的技术规范之一,编号为TR-069,所以又被称为TR-069协议。它提供了对下一代网络中家庭网络设备进行管理配置的通用框架、消息规范、管理方法和数据模型。
The invention discloses a tr-069 protocol-based home network management system and a tr-069 protocol-based home network management implementation method. The system comprises a Web browser, a home Web browser, a common gateway interface (CGI) control module, a communication module of a home ...