hoping to make enough money to leave his family with something. When he partnered with former student Jesse Pinkman, the duo got their operation off of the ground, and Walt had to hide his identity. The Heisenberg name allowed Walt to gain notoriety while keeping his true identity hidden. Ho...
In a surprising development, producers hint thatBetter Call Saul'sOmaha-set flashforwards might take place before Walter White'sBreaking Baddeath. While a spinoff to a show as acclaimed asBreaking Badwas always a gamble, it seems fair to say at this point that co-creatorsVince Gilliganand Pe...
Gilligan:The thing I loved about this show when it first started was that Walter White was essentially me. In other words, the thing that held me in good stead when I wrote the pilot before I had a staff, including folks with the DEA and oncologists and professors...