波兰的一个学校把《绝命毒师》里Walter White和Jesse Pinkman印在了教科书上🧪 cr:twitter
In celebration of the massive success of Breaking Bad, the New Mexico city of Albuquerque is now erecting statues of the show’s two main characters Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul). The statues were commissioned by the critically acclaimed show’s creator Vince Gill...
Open & share this gif walter white, breaking bad, jesse pinkman, with everyone you know. Size 181 x 181px. The GIF create by Brahelm. Download most popular gifs aaron paul, bryan cranston, dancing, movies, funny, on GIFER.com.
In the final season of 'Better Call Saul,' Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul will reprise their roles as Walter White and Jesse Pinkman, respectively. AMC confirmed on Saturday.
“I’m on every song, but I’m not exactly on any songs by myself, with the exception of one.” He also talked about his favoriteBreaking Badcharacter and how Cheese fromThe Wirewould whoop Jesse Pinkman’s ass, among other things. Enjoy the teaser, and then read the whole interview...
live or die 。现实逼着他做出一个选择。 老白坐在妹夫的车上看着他们去抓捕一些制毒的小罗罗。 在要求去看下这些小罗罗的粗糙滥制的制毒现场不成之后,老白隔着车窗,看见了那个正提着裤子从二楼屋檐跳下来匆忙落逃的熟悉身影。 老白始终是保持一颗创造性的头脑的。 生活给他巨大的鸭梨之后,加上这启发性的一幕...
所以Walter一开始很轻松地就拐上了这条歧路(电视机上看了一眼就拐了),他相信制毒是一门Art;所以Walter后来会选择抛妻弃子远走他乡,即便律师已经说明利弊,如果留下其实更有利于他和他的家人;所以Mike Ehrmantraut才会一直说Walter White是个绝对不想碰的麻烦——Walter是个始终不明白自己犯罪行为性质的人,和不知道...