Interviewer: What questions did the interviewer ask during the job interview? Walmart Department Manager: The interviewer asked me where I had worked before and do I have any experience at this position. They also asked why they should accept me for this position. Pretty much they all asked r...
Interviewer: What questions did the interviewer ask during the job interview? Walmart Cashier: He asked me what … He asked me about bringing what happens outside, inside. He asked me how I would handle an irate customer. You may have customers that are going to come in that ask you, t...
What exactly does a greeter’s job entail? Walmart provided some insiight in its "first poll" of greeters that was conducted in 1999. The press release described greeters as, "part host ("Welcome to Walmart"), part psychologist ("If you were my husband, would you wear this?") and...
to reside old me no which was when he started to get more and more confident that he then started to talk to me in a condescending tone I then pointed at the greeter and told him when I came back in to get the soda I told her I was coming back in and offered her the receipt. ...
Women can be more than cashiers, maintenance personnel, door greeters, department managers, coaches, assistant managers. Come on now. CEO Doug McMillon started out as a cart pusher at Walmart. He should be called Doug Mc-MILLIONS. I wonder what Michael Bloomberg calls CEO Doug McMillon?
Clearly, this is consensual, but I hope one of the greeters at Walmart at least asked if that was the case. “Hi, just making sure you’re in some kind of sub/dom relationship, and not being held against your will. Thank you. Have a lovely day.” via People of Walmart I ...
The value of SAMS ClubmembershipMessage fromMiss HelenSupercenters:tomorrows success storesavailable exclusively atKeeping theFUNinQUALITY&VALUE!Every DAYKeeping theFUNinQUALITY&VALUE!Every DAY1TABLE OF CONTENTS2Presidents Message4Inside Track9Rebirth in VermontWal-Mart anchors revitalized downtown9Making ...
AMI watch the greeter for a while. He is greeting people, but nobody responds. In spite of this, he remains perky. He’s an older chap and doesn’t look unlike my dad, which makes the whole thing quite sad to watch. I make a mental note to always say hello to Walmart greeters....