Walmart Cashier: Don’t give up. Right now we … You may be at that point where you feel as though you can’t find a job. That’s that point where the job comes and don’t close a door on any opportunity because you never know what opportunity can open up what network capabilities...
I’m not for or against moving Walmart greeters from the store door to the store floor. But it is most certainly a significant change in customer service and store operations. And what I’ve read here leaves me with the impression that it isn’t a well-planned move, meaning more tinker...
When I came through the door I Wentz directly to the greeter and explained to her I was just here a few minutes ago and I bought the things in my bag but I forgot the soda. I said here is my receipt when I went to hand it to her she wanted me off no I don't need to see ...
Women can be more than cashiers, maintenance personnel, door greeters, department managers, coaches, assistant managers. Come on now. CEO Doug McMillon started out as a cart pusher at Walmart. He should be called Doug Mc-MILLIONS. I wonder what Michael Bloomberg calls CEO Doug McMillon? The...
The value of SAMS ClubmembershipMessage fromMiss HelenSupercenters:tomorrows success storesavailable exclusively atKeeping theFUNinQUALITY&VALUE!Every DAYKeeping theFUNinQUALITY&VALUE!Every DAY1TABLE OF CONTENTS2Presidents Message4Inside Track9Rebirth in VermontWal-Mart anchors revitalized downtown9Making ...