A:如果不开启湍流模型,即只计算层流,则在后处理时只有Surface Heat Transfer Coef.和Wall adjacent ...
A: 应该采用Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient来查看壁面的对流换热系数。Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient...
Li,J. M. et al.Wall-adjacent layer analysis for developed-flow laminar heat transfer of gases in microchannels.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2000Li, J-M., Wang, B-X., Peng, X-F., 2000, " `Wall-adjacent Layer' Analysis for Developed-flow Laminar Heat Transfer of ...
The wall effect on heat transfer characteristics was investigated for gas laminar flow through microchannels. In an extremely thin layer adjacent to the solid wall, we called 'wall-adjacent layer', the change in thermal conductivity of gas vs the distance from the wall surface was derived from ...
Then, two or three modes of heat transfer must be accounted for simultaneously. The interaction may be quite simple, or it may be rather involved. For example, heat loss from an isothermal surface of known temperature, adjacent to a radiatively nonparticipating medium, may occur by convection ...
A time-dependent coefficient of heat transfer is proposed for the computation of thermal power required, so that a room temperature reaches a desired value within a given time. A mathematical formulation of the room heating transient phenomenon is constructed in a dimensionless form. Using an integr...
DNS Analysis of Wall Heat Transfer and Combustion Regimes in a Turbulent Non-premixed Wall-jet Flame Furthermore, the wall effects on the near-wall average burning rate are assessed. It is found that the isothermal cold wall results in an appreciable ... Z Pouransari,L Vervisch,L Fuchs,....
such areas as improving the Trombe Wall thermal protection, the influence of the adjustable heat transfer coefficient on the Trombe Wall thermal efficiency, developing a mathematical model that takes into account the combined operation of the Trombe Wall with the central heating source of heat. ...
It has been found that more than 98% of all the pellets, which are immersed within the wall-adjacent bed layer with the thickness equal to the pellet radius, contact the wall. On the ground of this experimental finding, a relation has been derived between the number of pellets contacting ...
Heat transfer between wall and packed bed (spheres, diameter 3.8cm) crossed by low velocity airflow was studied. An approach, which distinguishes local temperature for fluid and solid phases, was used to characterize the heat transfer between wall and air and between wall and adjacent particles....