★★★Surface Heat Transfer Coef. 通过该参数获取选定壁面的对流换热系数,也是我们在传热学教科书里接触的对流换热系数,通过试验方法获取的也是该系数值。该系数受参考温度的影响,因此需要给定合适的参考温度,计算公式如下: Wall Adjacent Heat Transfer Coef. 是和壁面函数相关的传热系数,当yplus接近1时,该系数值...
Heat Transfer Coef.和Wall adjacent Heat Transfer Coef.,没有 Wall Function Heat Transfer Coef。
A: 应该采用Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient来查看壁面的对流换热系数。Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient...
isexcavatedclosetotheadjacentgob.Thetop-coalandthecoalpillarclosetogobareoftencrashedordelamina- tedformroof,asaresultofthegroundbehaviour,concentrationstress,orthegeologicalstructure.Ontheother handasthetailgateisclosetogobwherealargequantityofloosecoalsareusuallyleftalone,processofcoaloxida- ...
Then, heat transfers to the interior of the glass in the form of direct thermal wave. The glass curtain wall can be approximated as an infinitely large multi-layer board without an internal heat source. In the thermal wave testing for adhesive bonded structure of glass curtain wall, the ...
Since the stiffness of the pipes is smaller than that of the surrounding soil, when a load is applied to the soil surface, the relative downward deflection of the adjacent soil prism is less than that of the central soil prism, the central soil prism is subjected to an upward friction ...