行尸走肉:命运Walking Dead: DestiniesThe Walking Dead: Destinies Flux Games 2023-11-17 2.92.0 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分2.9会员评分2.0 改变AMC 的 The Walking Dead 的历史进程。与丧尸搏斗,重温标志性时刻,通过你的选择将英雄与反派、幸存者和丧尸分离,改变 The Walking Dead 宇宙的命运。你会像...
行尸走肉:命运Walking Dead: DestiniesThe Walking Dead: Destinies Flux Games 2023-11-17 2.92.0 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分2.9会员评分2.0 改变AMC 的 The Walking Dead 的历史进程。与丧尸搏斗,重温标志性时刻,通过你的选择将英雄与反派、幸存者和丧尸分离,改变 The Walking Dead 宇宙的命运。你会像...
They come across the bus from the prison where they discover everyone dead and reanimated. Glenn is not among the Walkers. Maggie sits and cries in relief. Glenn awakens on a section of the destroyed prison walkway. He searches for Maggie, with no success. He then packs up what he can...
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• Shatter Fate: Alter the story of AMC’s The Walking Dead by weaving your own path through the series’ events. Save the villain, kill the hero… and live with the consequences. • Slash, Bash, and Shoot the Undead: Slay hordes of walkers in third-person action with a variety of...
The Walking Dead: Destinies 行尸走肉:命运的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
living and dead – it’s up to you to decide whether to stay the course of history or forge your own path through the world of AMC’s The Walking Dead. • Shatter Fate: Alter the story of AMC’s The Walking Dead by weaving your own path through the series’ events. Save the vill...