Some people say they can't wake up in the morning without a strong coffee, while others prefer to start the day with a nice pot of tea. However, which is better for us? TEA—Drinking three to four cups of tea a day can cut the chance of a heart attack. And people who drink blac...
wake up and smell the coffee的意思是“to tell someone that they are wrong about a particular situation and must realize what is really happening”,即“要清醒面对现实”。这句习语可能是由stop and smell the roses演变而来。早在20世纪40年代,有些美国地区的人就将这句习语作为口语使用。到了20世纪6...
Morning Instrumental Music to Wake Up Without Coffee: some of the best morning music around for positive energy. These are calm and positive music to wake up and start your day in the right mood. Great as a background for working, studying...See more ...
#英语学习#英语俗语:Wake Up and Smell the Coffee(认清现实、清醒一点)。如今,很多人都是咖啡的忠实爱好者。他们无法想象早晨不喝上一杯咖啡,如何开启一天。咖啡可以让你感觉更有活力,这就是俗语 "Wake up and smell the coffee!" 的由来。它的...
Some people swear they can't wake up in the morning without a strong coffee, while others prefer to start the day with a nice pot of tea. But with the benefits and dangers of regularly consuming these drinks hotly debated each week, which is better for us? Now, a new research pitting...
阅读理解A Some people say they can't wake up in the morning without a strong coffee, while others prefer to start the day with a nice pot of tea. But, which is better for us?TEA -Drinking three to four cups of te a a day can cut the chance of a heart attack. And people who ...
snooze button more often than I care to admit, so, in order to combat this dreadful habit and also not be a Zombie Mom all morning, I have put together a little list of 5 simple tricks that help me wake up and start the day (and none of them include setting up a coffee IV drip...
wake up and smell the coffee的意思是“to tell someone that they are wrong about a particular situation and must realize what is really happening”,即“要清醒面对现实”。 这句习语可能是由stop and smell the roses演变而来。早在...
2011, it was estimated that 2.5 billion coffee cups were thrown away each year in the uk, and that figure is likely to be higher now. so maybe now is the time to really wake up and smell the coffee by drinkin...