This page explains the IO_COMPLETION wait type and gives examples of where it occurs in SQL Server.
在执行长时间的IO密集的操作时,SQL Server进程经常会发生ASYNC_IO_COMPLETION等待,同时会在Error Log中记录 “I/O requests are taking longer than 15 seconds to complete” 消息,IO密集的操作主要有:backup/restore操作,新建一个大的数据库文件,和数据库文件增长。长时间执行IO密集操作,本来就需要大量的IO才能完...
等待/唤醒 IRP 的 IoCompletion 例程 项目 2023/06/15 在设备堆栈中的下一个较低级驱动程序完成等待/唤醒 IRP 后,I/O 管理器调用驱动程序的等待/唤醒IoCompletion例程。 处理等待/唤醒 IRP (FDO) 驱动程序的每个函数和筛选器都应为 IRP 设置IoCompletion例程。
int IOCompletionPort (Input) The I/O completion port on which to wait. Qso_OverlappedIO_t * completionStatus (Input/Output) A pointer to a qso_overlappedIO_t structure that will be updated with the status defined below. If a field has no relevance to operation completed, then either a ...
Error handling external file: 'WaitIOCompletion call failed. HRESULT = 0x8007000C'. File/External table name: '<redacted: path to file on storage account>'. This error occurs when querying a view which uses OPENROWSET, e.g.: Copy SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET( BULK 'PATH/ON/STORAGE/...
Waits for the completion of any of the asynchronous events. Syntax C++ Copy HRESULT WaitAsyncCompletion( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pResult ); Parameters [out, retval] pResult True if the last asynchronous event succeeded; otherwise, false. Return value If this method succeeds, it returns...
Waits for the completion of any of the asynchronous events. Syntax C++ Copy HRESULT WaitAsyncCompletion( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pResult ); Parameters [out, retval] pResult True if the last asynchronous event succeeded; otherwise, false. Return value If this method succeeds, it returns...
Waits for the completion of any of the asynchronous events. Syntax C++ Copy HRESULT WaitAsyncCompletion( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pResult ); Parameters [out, retval] pResult True if the last asynchronous event succeeded; otherwise, false. Return value If this method succeeds, it returns...
HRESULT WaitAsyncCompletion( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pResult ); 参数[out, retval] pResult如果最后一个异步事件成功,则为 True;否则为 false。返回值如果该方法成功,则返回 S_OK。 否则,将返回 HRESULT 错误代码。要求展开表 要求值 最低受支持的客户端 Windows XP Professi...
For more information, see Wait/Wake Callback Routines.The actions required in a wait/wake IoCompletion routine depend on the device and the type of driver. The following are some actions a driver might need to perform in its wait/wake IoCompletion routine:...