Syntax Effect This statement interrupts the execution of the program by the number of seconds specified insec.secis anumeric expression positionof operand typeito which positive numbers (and 0) can be passed. The unit of the number insecis seconds and the time resolution is one millisecond. After...
Syntax WAIT FOR ASYNCHRONOUS TASKS [MESSAGING CHANNELS] [PUSH CHANNELS] UNTILlog_exp[UP TO sec SECONDS]. This variant of the statementWAITis designed only for use after anasynchronous RFCwith callback routines. Anylogical expressioncan be specified forlog_expafterUNTIL. ...
wait 还是不wait,这是个问题。 这是同步更新还是异步更新的问题;如果是只commit work,是异步更新,触发注册在当前SAP LUW中所有数据更新动作,数据更新动作由SAP的更新工作进程来执行,当前程序不等待更新动作结束,直接向下执行。 commit work and wait 是同步更新,此语句触发注册在当前SAP LUW所有数据更新动作,当前主程...
Syntax WAIT FOR ASYNCHRONOUS TASKS [MESSAGING CHANNELS] [PUSH CHANNELS] UNTIL log_exp [UP TO sec SECONDS].Extras: 1. ... MESSAGING CHANNELS 2. ... PUSH CHANNELS 3. ... UP TO sec SECONDS Effect This variant of the statement WAIT is designed only for use after an asynchronous ...