我们查看 ABAP 系统根据 Lock Object 自动生成的 Enqueue Function Module,可以发现它有一个名叫 `_wait` 的输入参数,默认值为 `space`:该参数决定了发生锁冲突时的锁行为。开发人员有以下选择:- 初始值:如果由于存在竞争锁而导致锁定尝试失败,则会触发异常 FOREIGN_LOCK。- X:如果由于存在竞争锁而导致锁定...
关于SAP ABAP Enqueue Function Module 的输入参数 _wait 我们查看 ABAP 系统根据 Lock Object 自动生成的 Enqueue Function Module,可以发现它有一个名叫_wait的输入参数,默认值为space: 该参数决定了发生锁冲突时的锁行为。 开发人员有以下选择: 初始值: 如果由于存在竞争锁而导致锁定尝试失败,则会触发异常 FOREIGN...
关于SAP ABAP Enqueue Function Module 的输入参数 _wait 我们查看 ABAP 系统根据 Lock Object 自动生成的 Enqueue Function Module,可以发现它有一个名叫_wait的输入参数,默认值为space: 该参数决定了发生锁冲突时的锁行为。 开发人员有以下选择: 初始值: 如果由于存在竞争锁而导致锁定尝试失败,则会触发异常 FOREIGN...
Return Codes This statement always setssy-subrcto 0. Each time this variant of the statementWAITis used, adatabase commitis triggered (except inupdates). For this reason,WAITmust not be used betweenOpen SQLstatements that open or close adatabase cursor. ...
If the statement WAIT interrupts the program, the work process is changed and a database commit is executed (except in updates. For this reason, WAIT must not be used between Open SQL statements that open or close a database cursor. ...
The BAPI 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' is internally using statements COMMIT WORK (parameter WAIT = ' ') and COMMIT WORK AND WAIT (parameter WAIT = 'X'). In the following you will find the relevant part of the SAP Online Documentation for the COMMIT statement: ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi folks, question regarding the abap wait-statement. If I say WAIT UP TO 5 SECONDS, the process is not occupied and then magically re-awakes after the specified 5 seconds. During this time - do I have some chance to find the waiting program? Backgrou...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Sandra, As you can see above there is 2 commit statement before I re-select the ZTD_RQ001 table again assuming the status field will be updated with 03 value. But let say, if the SAP system is slow or there is network issue on the day...there...
For a thorough description of using ORADEBUG, see SAP Document 613872.You can also obtain a rough overview of the activities of a <sid> session using snapshots on V$SESSTAT and V$SESSION_EVENT. This allows you to carry out the following statement twice with a given interval (for example, ...
The BAPI 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' is internally using statements COMMIT WORK (parameter WAIT = ' ') and COMMIT WORK AND WAIT (parameter WAIT = 'X'). In the following you will find the relevant part of the SAP Online Documentation for the COMMIT statement: ...