And another problem is the ROS_WARN: wait for imu, only should happen at the beginning We have tested that the imu data can be converted to the node to deal with without lost. So what's the problem? Thank you in advance. maciejmatuszak commented Jul 29, 2017 • edited What's the...
data-color-theme="dark_dimmed" crossorigin="anonymous" media="all" integrity="sha512-73MN8RaWLT6hOrTrxNJOEI8Pb0ArN01fXatO0tqm/qXy73XBb0FG3f8jd0NfztcQGoLTDF6Pl6AxpbnDvgwAiA==" rel="stylesheet" data-href="
imu.gyro1 = raw_imu_data.Gyro[0]; imu.gyro2 = raw_imu_data.Gyro[1]; imu.gyro3 = raw_imu_data.Gyro[2]; imu_raw_data_pub.publish(imu);break;caseORCP2_MESSAGE_ROBOT_4WD_DRIVE_TELEMETRY: deserialize_robot_4wd_drive_part(, pkt.message.size, &robot_data); ROS_INFO...