当bag包加速回放完毕后,执行roslaunch的窗口仍然会显示wait for imu data,等待一段时间计算,计算完毕后会显示计算结果。 显示done之后,在catkin_ws/src/imu_utils/data这个文件夹下会出现一系列的data文件,查看xsens_imu_param.yaml,会看到计算出来的噪声和零偏的系数值。例如下面这种: 图片来源:CSDN@KingL_wu 至...
there are two 'White Noise' for gyro. Which of them is the true gyr_n? I also found there are Bias Instability and bias for gyro. Which of them is the true gyr_w? Can anybody help? many thanks!Wait for imu data Hello Gao, May I ask you a question?After run launch file,“...