—— 引自章节:雇佣劳动与资本 <前页1234后页> >我来写笔记 >Wage-Labour and Capital and Value, Price, and Profit 作者:Marx, Karl isbn:0717804704 书名:Wage-Labour and Capital and Value, Price, and Profit 定价:49.00元 出版社:Intl Pub 装帧:Pap...
Wage-Labour and Capital & Value, Price and Profit的创作者 ··· 卡尔·马克思 作者 原文摘录 ··· ( 全部 ) 任何一次革命起义,不论它的目的显得离阶级斗争有多么远,在革命的工人阶级没有获得胜利以前,都是注定要失败的;任何一种社会改革,在无产阶级革命和封建反革命没有在世界战争中用武器进行较量...
Wage-Labour, Capital and Landed PropertyW emust bear in mind that new productive forces and new relationships of production do not evolve from nothing, nor from the air or the womb of the self-positing idea; they evolve inside, and in......
所属专辑:wage labour and capital 猜你喜欢 3835 L1 Bat and Friends by:开心动画英语 4407 littlefox视频L3-1Wizard and by:熊孩子学英语 1033 正版·TR·L3·Swallows And Amazons by:亚乐伦图书 2781 Henry and Mudge (180-470L) by:小him解说游戏 ...
The distribution of social wealth between capital and labour has become still more unequal. The capitalist commands a greater amount of labour with the same capital. The power of the capitalist class over the working class has grown, the social position of the worker has become worse, has been...
Caroline Rees, president and co-founder, Shift 'The inability to pay a living wage throughout a value chain questions the sustainability of a business model. This is the time to critically appraise and make necessary changes with a focus on human capital.' ...
And while he’s only a borderline case for the Moocher Hall of Fame, he’s a perfect example of eroding social capital. He’s a dirtbag who decided that it is perfectly okay to scam off taxpayers. When enough of his fellow citizens make the same choice, a society is in deep trouble....
1. Minimum wage is a controversial labor market policy in the U.S. and many other economies. The controversy has largely revolved around its employment effects. Theoretically, the sign of the effec...
Wage-Labour and Capital and Value, Price, and Profit的创作者 ··· 卡尔·马克思 作者 原文摘录 ··· ( 全部 ) 任何一次革命起义,不论它的目的显得离阶级斗争有多么远,在革命的工人阶级没有获得胜利以前,都是注定要失败的;任何一种社会改革,在无产阶级革命和封建反革命没有在世界战争中用武器进行...
Wage Labour and Capital 作者:Karl Marx 页数:48 ISBN:9781419192975 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐