Wage-Labor and Capital的创作者 ··· 卡尔·马克思 作者 原文摘录 ··· ( 全部 ) 任何一次革命起义,不论它的目的显得离阶级斗争有多么远,在革命的工人阶级没有获得胜利以前,都是注定要失败的;任何一种社会改革,在无产阶级革命和封建反革命没有在世界战争中用武器进行较量以,都是要成为空想的。 (...
黑人就是黑人。只有在一定的关系下,他才成为奴隶。纺纱机是纺棉花的机器。只有在一定的关系下,它才成为资本。脱离了这种关系,它也就不是资本了,就像黄金本身并不是货币,砂糖并不是砂糖的价格一样。 因此,各个人借以进行生产的社会关系,即社会生产关系,是随着物质生产资料、生产力的变化和发展而变化和改变的。生产...
A Study of the Important Nodes of Marx's Critical Thought of Capital: Rereading Wage Labor and Capital The formation of historical materialism is closely related to Marx's critical thought of capital. With the establishment of historical materialism as the b......
所属专辑:wage labour and capital 猜你喜欢 3835 L1 Bat and Friends by:开心动画英语 4407 littlefox视频L3-1Wizard and by:熊孩子学英语 1033 正版·TR·L3·Swallows And Amazons by:亚乐伦图书 2781 Henry and Mudge (180-470L) by:小him解说游戏 ...
A Study of the Important Nodes of Marx's Critical Thought of Capital: Rereading Wage Labor and Capital The formation of historical materialism is closely related to Marx's critical thought of capital. With the establishment of historical materialism as the b... S Hao,Graduate School,SO Marxism...
While the first part merely replaces previously existing values, it is evident that the replacement of the wages and the surplus (the profit of capital) are as a whole taken out of the new value, which is produced by the labor of the worker and added to the raw materials. And in this...
These are the result of the complicated relationship that exists between capital and labour. The point of departure of the analysis is the Nieboer-Domar hypothesis on the structural origins of slavery, which despite severe criticism, it has been largely remained unchallenged until the present. In ...
significant levels of worker turnover. We find that plants with larger levels of reallocation experience larger wage growth. This provides rare, direct empirical evidence that the reallocation of workers — both within and across pl...
by 2025, according to the CBO’s new average estimate, would result in a loss of 1.4 million jobs.The idled workers would be disproportionately younger and less educated, and CBO projects that half of them would drop out of the labor force. …The federal budget deficit through 2031 would ...
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