The investigation revealed that police frequently failed to file crime reports for serious offenses like rape, neglected to question older men accompanying vulnerable young girls, and treated victims as troublesome rather than vulnerable. Despite this, some officers were cleared of misconduct by filing m...
vancouver wa crime news Within Washington, more than 95% of the communities have a lower crime rate than Vancouver. The Vancouver Police Department Major Crimes Unit is continuing the investigation. Courts & Crime, What one expert called the first bill of its kind on domestic violence cleared a...
The VAWA initially includedcivil rightsremedies for victims ofgender-motivated crimes, which arehate crimes, allowing individuals to sue in federal court. However, theU.S. Supreme Courtdeclared this part of the act unconstitutional under the Commerce Clause and theFourteenth Amendmentin the caseU.S...
Will & Will is dedicated to helping those accused of criminal charges and victims of negligence in Seattle. We are proud of the fact that client referrals are the largest driver of growth for our firm. The enthusiasm our clients have stems from the fact that we deliver the desired results ...
In the summer of 1977, the greater New York city area was terrorized by a serial killer who came to be known as the “Son of Sam.” Methodically stalking attractive young women for months, the killer used a .44 caliber pistol to assassinate his victims. ...
2019, progress is deliberately sluggish, intentionally slowing our investigations. CMFE resources and taxpayer money are being wasted to recover these destroyed documents from backup mail servers utilizing specialized third-party IT support. Destroying public records is a crime in the state of Washington...
Washington has a well-deserved reputation for natural beauty, a vibrant economy, and a rich and diverse cultural tapestry. Unfortunately, a surge in hate crimes is marring the many charms of the Evergreen State. Washington saw 590 hate crime reports in 2022, according to the FBI’s annual re...
Brown, MD, East Tennessee State University Imepitiwa/Imerekebishwa Jul 2023Sexual sadism involves acts in which a person experiences sexual excitement from inflicting physical or psychological suffering on another person. Sexual sadism disorder is sexual sadism that causes significant ...
deemed less criminal by reason of his/her condition, but whenever the actual existence of any particular mental state is a necessary element to constitute a particular species or degree of crime, the fact of his/her intoxication may be taken into consideration in determining such mental stat...
Bellevue Officers also discovered numerous stolen credit and debit cards, over 30 sets of stolen keys, fivestolen firearms, and law enforcement equipment in McGraw’s residence. This included materials belonging to multiple elderly female victims. The totality of evidence suggested Madden McGraw worked...