Authorities are hoping a new law that continues some reforms from 2022, will help curb catalytic converter theft in WA state. Converters are a legally required part of a vehicle's emission exhaust system. The new law will require car dealers to stamp converters with ID mark The law will not...
deemed less criminal by reason of his/her condition, but whenever the actual existence of any particular mental state is a necessary element to constitute a particular species or degree of crime, the fact of his/her intoxication may be taken into consideration in determining such mental stat...
Kennedy established the Peace Corps as a part of the Department of State on March 1 of this year with the passage of the Peace Corps Act. The agency would be given permanent funding to train and send U.S. men and women to help foreign nations in development efforts. During the week ...
Law. The case was brought to the Supreme Court after Nebraska state Senator Ernie Chambers sued on the grounds that opening prayer before the session by a state-sponsored chaplain was a violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment. [Pictured: A copy of the U.S. Bill of Righ...