(Wystan Hugh Auden) 《罗马的秋天》 (The fall of Rome) (诗歌,文字翻译成中文) (对于:Cyril Connolly) 波涛拍击码头; 荒野上大雨 抽打一辆废弃的火车; 歹徒们挤满了山洞。 幻觉遍布夜礼服; 国库代理人穿过 偏僻小镇的下水道 追赶着潜逃的抗税者。 魔法的秘密仪式催促 寺院里的娼妓入睡; 所有...
Defenceless under the night Our world in stupor lies; Yet, dotted everywhere, Ironic points of light Flash out wherever the Just Exchange their messages: May I, composed like them Of Eros and of dust, Beleaguered by the same Negation and despair, Show an affirming flame. The Fall of Rome ...
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. PDFGuide Lullaby ‘Lullaby’ by W.H. Auden describes the love that one speaker has for his imperfect “beloved” and how that love will be enough to content them both. W.H. Auden's 'Lullaby' is a tender exploration of love's acceptance of...
September 1, 1939 by W.H. Auden AnalysisVoltaire At Ferney by W.H. Auden AnalysisLaw Like Love by W.H. Auden AnalysisThe Fall Of Rome by W.H. Auden AnalysisLay Your Sleeping Head, My Love by W.H. Auden AnalysisThe More Loving One by W.H. Auden AnalysisThe Two by W.H. Auden ...
THE FALL OF ROME poem by W. H. AUDEN english text – ENG Wystan Hugh Auden The fall of Rome (poetry, english text) (for Cyril Connolly) The piers are pummelled by the waves; In a lonely field the rain Lashes an abandoned train; Outlaws fill the mountain caves. ... ...
Poet Wystan Hugh Auden, better known as W.H. Auden, imbued his poetry with a style and sensibility that elevated him to the status of one of the 20th century’s best-known and most-respected poets. Auden’s poems deal with universal themes such as love, political and social concerns, re...
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Dear Auden, I was very pleased to hear from you, and glad to feel that you were not bored. I am afraid that you may be in for rather a long letter again; but you can do what you like with it. I type it so that it may at any rate be quickly readable. I do not really think...