H. AUDEN 诗 (中文文本) CH CZ 威斯坦·休·奥登 (Wystan Hugh Auden) 《罗马的秋天》 (The fall of Rome) (诗歌,文字翻译成中文) (对于:Cyril Connolly) 波涛拍击码头; 荒野上大雨 抽打一辆废弃的火车; 歹徒们挤满了山洞。 幻觉遍布夜礼服; 国库代理人穿过 偏僻小镇的下水道 追赶着潜逃的...
The Fall of Rome 罗马的倾覆 W. H. Auden (for Cyril Connolly)(献给西里尔·康诺利) The piers are pummelled by the waves; 码头被浪涛不断捶击; In a lonely field the rain 雨在寂寥野地中 Lashes an abandoned train; 鞭打一列遗弃的火车; Outlaws fill the mountain caves. 法外之徒聚众山洞。 Fan...
相对主义的方法,结合对宗教力量的新认识及其高度修辞性的神学,开辟了背弃罗马帝国威严以向拜占庭、拉文纳和麦加致敬的可能性。 诗人奥登(W.H.Auden)在1966年受《生活》杂志委托撰写的一篇文章中,出现了一个有趣例证,以证明罗马衰落模式的消失。1947年,奥登写了一首诗,名为《罗马的陷落》那时候的奥登依然以传统的...
Ulrome 克拉弗登 Bewaldeth and Snittlegarth 卡斯尔雷 Barford St. Martin Bix and Assendon 奥尔德伯勒 梅伊 明沃斯 柯克利文顿 Barnby Princes Gate 新米尔 马格姆 托廷顿 西柯比 Eydon 斯拉辛顿 Welbury Wood Dalling Farndale East 梅尔森比 Llantilio Crossenny Carsington 克利夫顿汉普登 Grampound Road 巴...
The Fall Of Rome 1:30 When Rites And Melodies Begin To Alter Modes And Times 1:42 A Walk After Dark 2:14 Epithalamium For Peter Mudford And Rita Auden, May 15th 1965 2:46 Eulogy For Professor Neville Coghill On The Occasion Of His Retirement In 1966 4:41 The Cave Of Making 7:29...
Auden: "The Platonic Blow," "Lullaby" and other poems (#5) John Donne: "To His Mistress Going to Bed" and other poems (#4) Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman: The virginal but fecund parents of American poetry get "down and dirty" ......
create, make - create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses" 9. do - behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Don't behave li...
Auden understood the temptation of literary vanity well. But, he remarks, “whenever I feel myself in danger of becoming un homme sérieux, it is on Valéry, un homme d’esprit if ever there was one, more often than on any other poet, I believe, that I call for aid.” The...
create, make - create by artistic means; "create a poem"; "Schoenberg created twelve-tone music"; "Picasso created Cubism"; "Auden made verses" 9. do - behave in a certain manner; show a certain behavior; conduct or comport oneself; "You should act like an adult"; "Don't behave li...
painting on left: "Visigoths Sack Rome" Posted by The Best American Poetry on March 17, 2025 at 03:51 PM in Current Affairs, Feature | Permalink | Comments (6) March 10, 2025Douglas Murray on Israel, Hamas and the Future of Democracy <<<“Sometimes a flare goes up and you get to ...