高手的话会去填写W-9表格,但是风险太大,容易被K号,一般国人操作CJ广告联盟建议使用W-8BEN表格。 填写W-8BEN不是很复杂,只需要填写几个基本的选项即可: 1、 Name of individual who is the beneficial owner :姓名 2、 Country of citizenship:国家 3、 Permanent residence address (street, apt. or suite no...
高手的话会去填写W-9表格,但是风险太大,容易被K号,一般国人操作CJ广告联盟建议使用W-8BEN表格。 填写W-8BEN不是很复杂,只需要填写几个基本的选项即可: 1、 Name of individual who is the beneficial owner :姓名 2、 Country of citizenship:国家
America (US), the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires certain documentation from the ultimate beneficial owner to However, if a change in the entity’s circumstances makes any information on the form incorrect, a new W-8BEN-E form (or ensure the appropriate level of tax is withheld ...
¡ This HSBC Substitute Form W-8BEN-E may be used for the purposes of trading US stocks by an entity that: a. is a Hong Kong tax resident only; and b. has a FATCA classification of Active Non-Financial Foreign Entity (Active NFFE) 此滙豐W-8BEN-E代用表格適用於需要進行美股交...