然后每3年更新在银行的W8BEN form,这样所有的利息收入就会被银行报告在1042-S form上;只有在银行没有Non-Resident Alien的W8BEN form或者银行有的W8BEN已经过期的情况下,银行才会把利息收入报告在1099-INT上。
同時,這個申請表上第一頁上明確寫清楚了另外所需要的材料,如下。 IRS W-8BEN form:Schwab 官網上這裡有 W-8BEN。這個是國稅局 IRS 的聲明外國人身份的表格。 申請人的非美國護照(只需要信息頁和簽名頁的複印件)。 證明非美國地址的:非美國的水電氣賬單,或者房產稅房貸收據。 ...
Mail it to ICBC (ASIA) - Transaction Processing Centre (Customer Information Maintenance Section), Level 16, Tower 1, Millennium City 1, 388 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon (Ref: W-8Ben Form) Fax it to (852) 2233-9938 (Phone call confirmation by our staff is needed for fax submissi...
Bank hours Bring home your money Tax Deduction Form May have filled in this form for your employer already W-4 lets you decide when to pay taxes Take a total of 0 or 1 allowances Tax Deduction Form Source: Life After School. Explained. Cap & Compass, LLC ...
Steps to submit your W8BEN form: For more information Wealth management Your trusted Financial partner© Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Limited Sitemap About Us Investor Relations News & Media Help Centre Forms and Documents Service Charges ATMs & Branches Contact Us Careers Global ...
Tax details, including completedW-8BEN form For identification: Formal identification documents such as a passport or driver’s licence A bank account or credit card statement issued within the last 90 days A business licence, if applicable
Guide to pleting W-8BEN-E entity US tax (指导完成W-8BEN-E实体美国税收).pdf,Guide to completing W-8BEN-E entity US tax forms Applicable to Companies, Trusts, Self-Managed Superannuation Funds and Deceased Estates Macquarie Wrap 1 Contents 1 General info
Form W-8BENis for individual contractors¹, whileForm W-8BEN-Eis for entities². Both forms need the foreign contractor’s personal information. This includes their name, address, and home country. They also ask them to attest that they are not a US citizen or resident alien. They need...
changes to that of a US person, I will notify you within 30 days of that change, and I agree to provide the Bank with an IRS Form W-9 and any other document requested by you relating to that status. 本人確 認,如變更以致影響本人作為非美國人士的身分,本人必須於30日內通知貴行,本人並...
EX-4.T 3 ex4tusbanknorthwestnatur.htm EX-4.T