一、@vueup/vue-quill 简介 @vueup/vue-quill 是基于 Quill 构建的一款专为 Vue 框架打造的富文本编辑器组件。它有着诸多优势,不仅继承了 Quill 强大的文本编辑功能,比如支持丰富的文本格式(如加粗、斜体、下划线、各种字体样式等),还能方便地插入图片、表格、链接等元素,而且在与 Vue3 集成方面做了很好的适配,...
Vue 3 rich text editor based on Quill.. Latest version: 1.2.0, last published: 2 years ago. Start using @vueup/vue-quill in your project by running `npm i @vueup/vue-quill`. There are 107 other projects in the npm registry using @vueup/vue-quill.
在Vue3 项目中,我们需要在main.js或main.ts中引入并注册vue-quill组件: import{ createApp }from'vue';importAppfrom'./App.vue';import{QuillEditor}from'@vueup/vue-quill';import'@vueup/vue-quill/dist/vue-quill.snow.css';constapp =createApp(App); app.component('QuillEditor',QuillEditor); app...
VueQuillis aComponentfor building rich text editors, powered by Vue 3 and Quill. 💚Built With Vue 3:More powerful and performant framework than ever before. 🧙♂️Fully Typescript:VueQuill source code is written entirely in TypeScript. ...
Version @vueup/vue-quill version 1.2.0 Describe the bug Can't register the quill-mention module on QuillEditor. It may have to do with how I am attempting to register the MentionBlot. To Reproduce I am trying to register quill-mention on...
针对您提出的“vueup/vue-quill 插入视频到编辑器后删除不了”的问题,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 1. 确认vue-quill编辑器的版本和配置 首先,请确保您使用的vue-quill-editor版本是最新的,或者至少是稳定版本。版本过旧可能会导致一些已知的问题未被修复。同时,检查您的配置是否正确,特别是与视频插入相...
window.Quill import inject from '@rollup/plugin-inject'; //export default 里找到plugins,没有则添加plugins plugins:[ inject({ 'window.Quill': ['@vueup/vue-quill','Quill'], Quill: ['@vueup/vue-quill','Quill'], // 'window.Quill': path.resolve('./node_modules/quill/dist/quill.js')...
文档地址:Events | VueQuill 一、效果展示 二、npm npminstall @vueup/vue-quill@alpha --save 三、main.js引入 import{ QuillEditor }from'@vueup/vue-quill'import'@vueup/vue-quill/dist/vue-quill.snow.css'; app.component('QuillEditor',QuillEditor) ...
@vueup/vue-quill 1.2.0•Public• Published2 years ago This package does not have a README.Add a READMEto your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords vue-quill vue 3 quill component vue 3 quill editor
Will have to switch to regular Quill... If you dig down into this library and find the code that is actually what is needed, the vue wrapper for quill, its just one file, if you remove all of those things around this library becomes very simple and you can totally just paste this 1...