在这个例子中,我们添加了一个按钮来触发insertTable方法,该方法会在当前选区插入一个3x3的表格。 4. 测试表格功能 最后,确保在项目中测试新添加的表格功能,以确保它按预期工作。你可以插入表格、编辑表格内容,并检查表格在不同浏览器和设备上的表现。 通过以上步骤,你应该能够在vue-quill-editor中成功添加表格功能。
<template><divclass="in-editor-wrapper"><divclass="in-editor ql-editor"></div></div></template><script>//引入原始组件import Quill from"quill"; import QuillBetterTable from"quill-better-table";//引入核心样式和主题样式import"quill/dist/quill.core.css"; import"quill/dist/quill.snow.css"; ...
{ this.isDisabledName = false this.dialogTableVisible=dialogStatus; this.titleStatus=titleStatus; if(titleStatus==="create"){ this.cleanData(); } else if (titleStatus==="update") { // 更新不校验饮片名称是否存在 this.isDisabledName = true } if(row){ this.entity=Object.assign({},row)...
<template><divclass="myMain"><div><divclass="table-title">公告信息</div></div><divclass="row"><divstyle="margin-top: 20px"><divstyle="border: 1px solid #c9c9c9"><divclass="panel-heading">公告信息表</div><divclass="panel-body"><divstyle="width: 100%"><divclass="nx-table-he...
{ TableForm, Toolbar }, created() { this.userInfo = getStore({name: 'userInfo'}); console.log("this.userInfo:",this.userInfo); this.getDataList() }, computed: { ...mapGetters(['permissions']) }, methods: { //时间搜索 timeArrayChange(val) { if (val) { val[0] = val[0]....
quilljs-table more modules... Issues Add attributes from toolbar options Option to insert an image from a URL How vue-quill-editor combine with the syntax highlighter module of highlight.js 配合element-ui 实现上传图片/视频到七牛 demo
Open opened this issueJul 4, 2018· 1 comment dawaywaycommentedJul 4, 2018 kamilzmijowskicommentedJul 18, 2018 Its relay big problem for my too. I try implement table from quill v2 dev and I dont know how. code pen demo Demo was created by quill's autor....
Quill、适用于 Vue 的富文本编辑器,支持服务端渲染和单页应用。 Example Component example page CDN example page Install NPM npm install vue-quill-editor --save # or yarn add vue-quill-editor CDN
editorOptionsObject-Offers object for merging into default config (add formats, custom Quill modules, ect) editorToolbarArray**Too long for table. See toolbar example belowUse a custom toolbar idStringquill-containerSet the id (necessary if multiple editors in the same view) ...
editor-toolbarArray**Too long for table. See toolbar example belowUse a custom toolbar show-previewBooleanFalseSet to true to get live preview Events NameDescription editor-updatedEmitted when the editor contents change save-contentEmitted when the default save button is clicked ...