.v-data-table-header { background-color: grey; } Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 但它不起作用。 如何声明复选框的类?或者有什么可能的方法让我覆盖默认样式? css sass vue.js vuetify.js Dan*_*iel 2021 09-15 1推荐指数 1解决办法 4857查看次数 如何将 Vuetify 3 添加到 Laravel...
#checkbox-color string undefined #disable-sort boolean false Toggles rendering of sort button #every-item boolean false Indicates if all items in table are selected #headers array [] Array of header items to display #mobile boolean false
v-data-table’s default header align is now left. #2664Date and time pickers has been refactored to be more reusable, testable and maintanable. Although the change is quite massive, there are just a couple of breaking changes: #2903Renamedv-speed-dial’shoverprop toopen-on-hover. It shou...
No element uses the color. If I make the table multi-sort, the badge div has onlyclass="v-data-table-header__sort-badge", no other classes or styles. Similarly, if I make the table show-select, the checkboxes don't apply, and I see no color-related classes or styles on them in ...
vuetify datatable header checkbox selectall Obtain a CSV file of a Vuetify V-data-table that can be downloaded. Arrange the Vuetify table by its design style. Customizing hover background color for rows in v-data-table of Vuetify framework in light theme. ...
()" :sort-desc="sortDesc" hide-default-footer > <template v-slot:header> <v-toolbar dark color="blue darken-3" class="mb-1"> <v-text-field v-model="search" clearable flat solo-inverted hide-details prepend-inner-icon="search" label="Search" ></v-text-field> <template v-if="...
Change when the overflow arrow indicators are shown. By default, arrows always display on Desktop when the container is overflowing. When the container overflows on mobile, arrows are not shown by default. A show-arrows value of true allows these arrows to show on Mobile if the container over...
Vuetify提供了<v-data-table>组件用于创建表格,并且支持设置colspan属性。你可以在<v-data-table>组件中的每个表头单元格(<v-data-table-header>)或数据单元格(<v-data-table-cell>)中设置colspan属性。 以下是一个示例代码,展示如何在Vuetify中设置表格单元格的colspan属性: ...