<div id="app"> <v-app id="inspire"> <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="desserts" class="elevation-1" > <template slot="headerCell" slot-scope="props"> <v-tooltip bottom> <span slot="activator"> {{ props.header.text }} </span> <span> {{ props.header.text }} </span...
Versions and Environment Vuetify: 1.2.2 Vue: 2.5.17 Browsers: Chrome 69.0.3497.81 OS: Windows 10 Steps to reproduce Create a data-table and add a "width" attribute to a header object Expected Behavior The column corresponding to the head...
Vuetify 自带 3 个 Vue 模板,随时可使用。 通过借助 Vue 和 Material Design 的强大功能,以及大量精心制作的组件库和特性,我们可以使用 Vuetify 构建优秀的应用。Vuetify 遵守 Google 的 Material Design 规范,每一个组件都经过精心设计,具有模块化、响应式和优秀的性能,其组件具有易记忆的语义设计,可将记忆复杂的类...
( $avatar-border-color, $avatar-border-style, $avatar-border-width, $avatar-border-thin-width ) $avatar-border-color settings.$border-color-root $avatar-border-radius map.get(settings.$rounded, 0) $avatar-border-style settings.$border-style-root $avatar-border-thin-width thin $avatar-border...
问题 代码: TestCase.vue 文件代码 <template> <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="desserts" :sort-by="…
1<Table2:data="tableData"3highlight-current-row5border6empty-text=" Warnings: No results were obtained under this model!"7max-height="800"8>9<TableColumn10type="index"11width="50">12</TableColumn>13<TableColumn14v-for="header in headers"15:prop="header.key"16:label="header.lable"17...
width string | number undefined 设定组件的宽度。 事件 name type click:close [MouseEvent] Emitted when close icon is clicked. update:modelValue [boolean] 当组件的 model-value 更改时引发的事件。 插槽 never { props: Record<string, any> } never never never never append 提示框末尾...
属性名称说明数据类型默认值:single-select将选择模式更改为单选booleanfalse:items要渲染的数据arrayitem-key每行数据绑定的唯一属性string‘id’:headers表头信息DataTableHeaderloading是否显示加载数据的进度条booleanfalse 参考链接 Vue 官网:API — Vue.js
How to Create Editable Columns in Vuetify Data Table with Dynamic Functionality Solution: The name of the slot should correspond to one of the values of the headers element. Column width datatable vuetify Code Example, datatable giving default width to colums. vuetify table make all columns edita...
VDataTable:header title font weight (#19742) (c4b33c0),closes#19737 VDataTable:correctly update the value of showSelectAll (#19762) (7c64392),closes#19069 VDataTable:change mobile default to false (#19744) (a194622) VFileInput:correctly set single value to null when cleared (fce7f75)...