❯ npm run build > hello-vue3@0.0.0 build > vue-tsc --noEmit && vite build src/views/home.vue:27:7 - error TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'. 27 child.value.isShowDialog = true ~~~ Found 1 error in src/views/home.vue:27 这是因为在默认情况下 null 和undefined 是所有...
value?.sayHi('use ? in onMounted') 在项目根目录下的 tsconfig.json 文件里,显式的关闭 strictNullChecks 选项,关闭后,需要开发者在写代码的时候,自行把控好是否需要对 null 和 undefined 进行判断 { "compilerOptions": { // ... "strictNullChecks": false } // ... } 使用any 类型代替,但是写...
1.2.1 单文件组件名 文件扩展名为.vue的single-file components(单文件组件)。单文件组件名应该PascalCase方式。 components/|-MyComponent.vue 1. 2. 1.2.2 紧密耦合的组件名 和父组件紧密耦合的子组件应该以父组件名作为前缀命名。因为编辑器通常会按字母顺序组织文件,所以这样做可以把相关联的文件排在一起。 c...
const imageContainer = ref(null)-〉您将值设置为null,TypeScript警告您对该对象属性的任何访问都可能...
this.isBusy = false; } }); In this case, you just import the object (which I’m calling a store in this example): // Home.vue import state from "@/state"; export default defineComponent({ setup() { // ... onMounted(async () => { ...
: string; props: { [key: string]: any }; } export default class VueRenderer { props: { [key: string]: any }; editor: Editor; readonly component: Component; readonly nodeRenderer: any; element: Element; constructor(component: Component, { as = 'div', props, editor = undefined, ...
watch, onMounted, etc) will be a dramatically smaller leap. Makes the transition to a create function feel more natural, both for current users ("oh, it's just like data - when it's a function, I just return the object") and new users ("oh, this is just like what I was doing ...
Loading my component I get the following error : TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'val.toLowerCase') [Vue warn]: Failed to resolve async component: function MapData() { return Promise.all(/*! import() */[__webpack_require__.e("defaultVendors-node_modules_vue3-openlaye...
this.isBusy = false; } }); In this case, you just import the object (which I’m calling a store in this example): // Home.vue import state from "@/state"; export default defineComponent({ setup() { // ... onMounted(async () => { ...