“object is possibly undefined”错误的含义 在Vue或任何JavaScript环境中,当你尝试访问一个未定义(undefined)对象的属性或方法时,会出现“object is possibly undefined”错误。这通常发生在以下几种情况: 当你试图访问一个尚未初始化的对象的属性。 当你错误地假设一个对象总是存在,但实际上在某些情况下它可能是未...
关于“vue里面语法不规范Object is possibly 'undefined'.如何解决?” 的推荐: Undefined object 点击查看详细内容 你在for loop内的情况是错误的。应该是i < mockData.data.length for(let i = 0; i < mockData.data.length; i++) {} const mockData = { "data" : [ { "id": "76", "name": ...
如图,编译时报了bject is possibly 'undefined的错。确实我的obj打印出来是undefined,但是这个方法其实是有的,if下面是走得通的。但是因为构建用了fix规范,以至于会一直报错。百度搜了是ts的问题,然后在ts的compilerOptions里面把 "strict": false,确实不报错了,但是担心统一改成 false会影响项目,因此求问大佬有没有...
I generate:const testing: Ref<string | undefined> = ref();. At beginning this value is undefined and inonBeforeMount()I set this value to a string. In vue template the div should only be generated whentestinghas a value (v-if="testing"). For the input field the v-model has type s...
I have a SFC component and everything works great, but vue-tsc keeps throwing an error about a v-if expression saying that the object is possibly undefined, but it says that regardless of things I'm trying to do to handle it. I'll post the full SFC below but here's the variations ...
当我们做完上面这些想使用组件实例中一些方法的时候,vscode还是会报红。 鼠标移上去 Object is possibly 'undefined',意思是treeRef.value可能是一个undefined,undefined.function() 浏览器肯定会报错对不对,typescript的好处就是让我们在编译阶段就给我们抛出错误越早发现问题,后期修复工作量就越少,其实这个问题好解决...
Object is possibly 'undefined'.Vetur(2532) 第二个问题:addChecked如下,res.data就是menuData和topicData数组对象如下: function addChecked(data) {for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i].checked = false;}return data; } 参数类型改成了这样:function addChecked(data: Array) { ....
vue中使用this.$refs.createOrEdit.openRole()报错误Object is possibly ‘undefined’. 改用了这种调用形式 components: { CreateOrEdit }, methods: { openRole () { (this.$refs.createOrEdit as InstanceType<typeof CreateOrEdit>).openRole() ...
我正在尝试将由props转发的FireStore data()分配给reactive()代理对象,但收到以下错误: Object is possibly 'undefined'.(property) fireStoreData: Record<string, any> | undefined 我希望使用forEach...
❯ npm run build > hello-vue3@0.0.0 build > vue-tsc --noEmit && vite build src/views/home.vue:27:7 - error TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'. 27 child.value.isShowDialog = true ~~~ Found 1 error in src/views/home.vue:27 这是因为在默认情况下 null 和undefined 是所有...